Friday, February 4, 2022

2.4.22 The speaking journey

We are walking through the speaking season of FFA. It has been an intense challenging ten days. Two Sundays ago as I was writing the calendar events to keep track of our family I realized the contest was three days away. Speaking is a primary reason the kids take FFA. I think this an invaluable life skill and FFA provides a thoughtful incremental structure to develop understanding, confidence and skills in communicating your thoughts and ideas. Thus Mark and John were drug out of peaceful slumber and instructed to start thinking and preparing. John and I wrote his speech based on information he was studying in his class. Mark and Addie went to work memorizing the time honored FFA Creed. The next night Aliza and John went to speak at the Soil and Water contest. Aliza got 2nd place. John got his feet wet. 

After the experience we gathered as usual. They were tired from the addition to their daily requirements. 

The next night was the chapter contest. Again more experience and practice standing up and speaking in front of others. There were a few disappointed kids, I wanted to take them and say you did so well for trying. Don't give up you can't do hard things if you never try to do hard things. But they left before I could congratulate them on showing up, getting up, and staying up even though they struggled. 

One week more and it was district FFA contest. We worked and worked each night saying the speeches. Neither boy was very excited to be gilled, coached, critiqued and told to do it again and again. However, their progress in one week was remarkable. Mark was in a huge class of creed speakers there were 17 in all that presented. I was able to hear about 6. It's always encouraging to attend these contests there is a bright future for America. There are good family, kids who have ambition and work ethic, and a general goodness that comes through at these events. 

One of the best parts of the day was seeing my sons have such a great time with FFA members from other chapters. Neither had been to a competition before and it was really encouraging to watch from a distance their laughing and joking all day with new kids.  I saw many people from my past that were there as judges, parental support, or teachers. It always makes me pause and say a prayer of gratitude for the profound impact those people had on my life at that time. Who truly shaped my confidence and character. I'm so thankful for many of them and the mark they left on my life. My youth was very different and yet very similar to my kids. It warms my heart that good things still happen and the hoped for learning is still happening even 30 years later. 

The age old ritual of who has the strongest grip. I'm pretty sure John and Mark won this challenge though I don't know which one triumphed. 

I have few pictures of the contest because I was present listening and thinking not just watching behind my phone. Aliza shared these few pictures with me, she too was pleased to see her reluctant brothers enjoying themselves so much. 

After the long day of competition and waiting we hurried to get ready for the next big hurdle the American Legion contest. Aliza had been given information and scheduled to do this early in January. As the days ticked by I was very worried at the lack of action I thought I saw. She kept telling me mom stop worrying it will be fine I've got this. I worried more. It's about all I could do, and pray. I prayed for her. 

She did not disappoint and of course pulled through with poise and awe taking the difficult and finding answers and logic that is hers from years of study. She truly has developed her mind to an admirable level. I love hearing how she things. 

These good veterans were a pleasure to be around. I'm thankful for their commitment past and present to preserving the goodness of American Values. They were likewise excited to host an event and to champion Aliza on her journey to scholarships. 

We are blessed to have grandparents who support our kids. They have each given time, insight, and encouragement to our kids. We really appreciate their time, prayers, and talents. 

There is great power in learning from the older generation. 

And with that we completed a long day. I didn't do much more than just watch and hope. I am working to trust the many processes that my kids are currently involved in. I work to push them and teach them skills Greg and I think are necessary to a successful life. Often I feel like we don't do enough and it's not adequate. Yet there are moments like when I was rushing home to get her forgotten paperwork when I was overwhelmed with the feelings that in deed my kids are blessed and showing their aptitude for work, reading, friendship, and family. I'm thankful for the quiet whispers that all is well. I'm thankful for prayers answered and opportunities to stretch.
 I'm also thankful for days of rest, and the many many people that support our family in our pursuits. Life is good. 

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