Monday, November 7, 2022

11.6.22 Younger set

The big kids are doing big things but there is still a lot happening with the younger set. Millie was so fortunate to have a long term sub while her teacher was out on maternity leave. The sub had lots of time to prepare and has a talent for making learning interesting. Their last unit after the pirates was the 7 continents. They did activities for each. The last thing was creating an Eifel tower while wearing their art hats. Then they went and read a story to a 1-2 grader about a continent and gave them a penguin. 

Afton is in 2 grade so she got to be a part of this activity. I love teh many opportunities to learn and serve that the teachers share in their school. 
Just cuz he's cute. We are waiting in the bus line at school to get the kids. 
A tribute to the teacher who passed away last year. That was a pretty big loss for these early morning kids but they have rolled on and adapted to the new teachers way. 
John had a birthday and as a joke grandma gave him the candy necklace she gives the little kids. He was so happy saying he never got one when he was little. John is humorous and loves life. He's also rarely around or willing to let me take pictures. 

WE joked he could wear it under his sweatshirt and eat it stealthily at school. Unfortunately the elastic was not big enough for his head and so he had a wrist bangle. The younger two enjoy eating some Halloween candy everyday. Andrea things suckers are pretty great. 

Them ready to go trick or treating a second night. We have some elderly neighbors who are struggling and my friend texted that they were hoping we would come trick or treating. I don't like asking people for candy. But knowing the visit would be good for all of us the kids donned their costumes again and we headed over to their house. 

It was quick and good.

My water helpers discovered they could set tubes in the troughs. They both got the tubes running. 

It's a thing to paint book of Mormons to customize them. Harold showing his design a sister painted for him. 
Bruce drew a portrait of me. It was almost a look alike. He was pretty pleased. 

 We are so thankful for the tribe that is ours. After leaving for the weekends it is even more sweet to be home. We are thankful for the support from family, and community. We are blessed with health, vigor, ability, and resources to live as we choose and to be with our kids as they do their things. Life is good and God is abundant in His blessing us. 

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