Wednesday, March 29, 2023

3.29.23 Utah Vacation part 1

As I mentioned I was seriously considering what to do with spring break. The weather was forecasted to be inclement and the ground was already sticky so no farming could be done. My sister in-law suggested a mine that she had wanted to see. She suggested a few other sites and offered to feed us and do the research. So in the midst of parent teacher conferences, track meets, and sick kids she planned and encouraged. 

Finding out John had strep the day we were suppose to leave almost derailed our plan. She continued to encourage and Greg didn't resist so we packed and left around 8 p.m. We knew a storm was brewing so we just kept driving. The younger kids slept and we tried to stay awake. The roads were fine. We ended up in Brigham City around 2 a.m. We found a hotel and settled in . 

This was  a special treat for the younger ones. They were so quiet and good. 
The next morning there was a fresh 2 inches of snow and still snowing. We were thankful we had drove as far as we did.  

All enjoyed the breakfast. We went in shifts as the kids woke up. 

First stop welfare square. For years the kids have watched the videos on what products are made and how the system is run. It was enlightening to see the facitilites first hand. 

The snow picked up again. Teenagers proved to be so wonderful with small children. They helped coral, carry, and care for their younger kids. 

Chocolate milk at the end was delicious. 

Our charitable tour guides. We love to share pictures with families back home. 
DI was part of the tour we all love looking and shopping at DI. 
Aunt Deanne had shared how much she loved escalators when she was a kid, thus when my kids were so excited to try I said sure instead of why? They rode a few times and got the hang of it at the mall.
City Street walking. 
A family picture at the church administration building. 
Finishing the beehive house tour finally. I tried to hurry the guide but he would not stop his list of things to share. He got frustrated and snarky. I was boiling at some points. In all places in the world to have my family size and children mocked at Brigham Young's house, really. 
More parking garages and boys getting some energy out. Bruce is growing up too fast and Reed is getting a lesson from John. Brothers. So thankful for brothers. 
Church history museum next. They had an art table first of course my artists stopped to paint and color. I was exhausted that 3 am bedtime was catching up to  me but the kids were still running and going. 
Millie at the pulpit. We hadn't gone to the conference center yet. 
Aunt Deanne brought lunch and man was it welcome. 3 loaves of bread of sandwiches, Cutie oranges, and fruit snacks. A favorite lunch for sure. The tables and chairs were such a welcome restbit!
More escalators. Now the kids were professional and not scared at all. 
Lia and Merle loved the borrowed stroller! They looked like this most of the trip. 
Kids were so comfortable Lia ran away and John retrieved her, he's telling someone else to come down too. 
The conference center is so enormously huge. Richard Elliot was practicing the organ for conference there is a special spirit there. 

Original artwork lines the halls. I was struck with the color and scenes of this painting. I loved studying the paintings and would grab a kid to show them details or interpretations. 

This was my favorite spot the sister missionaries inviting the children to come unto Christ and put their hands in the nailprints on his feet and hands. They went so eagerly. I was moved to tears. I told them we hope most of all they know Christ, and depend on Him and follow Him.  None were reserved about going to him at this stop. 

On the rooftop the sister missionaries were so patient, friendly, and engaging. I was tired and ready to go but Greg encouraged time for the kids to visit and learn. We appreciated their kindness. 
Next stop Aunt Deanne's for dinner and play! Bruce sword fighting with the cousins. 

Aunt Natalie brought dessert. She is a great cook. We enjoyed visiting and relaxing. It was a full day but so good. I'm thankful we went and could enjoy so much. We are blessed. 

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