Wednesday, May 31, 2023

5.27.23 State Track

Addie qualified for 2 events at state track. We planned to leave early in the morning to get there in plenty of time. However I was plagued by nightmares and terrifying thoughts of great harm coming to my sons while gone so I was in no position to leave when the alarm finally woke Greg. I told him there was no way I was leaving. He let me sleep for an hour then asked again. Reluctantly I dressed and finished packing, he made arrangements with his sister and we zoomed away. The traffic was lite and teh trip was quick.
We arrived with 30 minutes to spare. We parked close by and headed to the field. It's hard to miss and pretty spectacular. 
Our great little co-traveler was happy to be out of the car. 
We watched our champion march in she is 5th in line the one in the long shorts. Her coach is shown in the picture with the backpack and beard. 
The stadium is pretty awesome. 

She ran so well and we were thankful to watch her place 5th. 
I had the foresight to borrow a stroller as Andrea is getting to be a big lady. She enjoyed being pushed around but baled out if we stopped longer than a 20 second pause. We did forget her shoes but I figure city life is probably cleaner than the farm pens she regularly wanders around. 
We were in the odd position of having time to kill and no idea what to do or people to visit. We meandered around the Oregon countryside. It was truly eye opening. I don't understand the liberal policy control on our state. The state is mostly farms and ranches. Why do my fellow Oregonians support such liberal ideas like drugs for all? The valley is beautiful I do understand why pioneers worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get there. 
We saw many pot shops and alcohol stores but little in the way of ice cream. While we wandered we saw one place advertising ice cream we u-turned and went back for a treat. I was also surprised by how much time Greg spends on the phone consulting with people on various automotive or farm equipment problems. 
Andrea thought a cone was a great way to end the day. I helped her, she was not happy to share. 
We also ordered a super burger. It was pretty sufficient. 
A bed fit for 3. 
We finally visited the spruce goose museum. The largest airplane ever build made from wood. The government would not allow any traditional resources that could support the war effort. Thus no skilled laborers or metal sheeting. The structure was impressive and massive. The collection of smaller planes was surprisingly comprehensive. I like the space travel craft and story. Greg enjoyed the airplanes. 
A tour guide allowed Andrea in this tiny plane. As an adult I would not trust my person to such a craft but it was an enjoyable novelty for Andrea to explore. 

The spruce Goose and other war machines. 
A model showing the construction process. 
Attempting to appease our tired wandering baby. A quick 30 second change and she was back to walking or rolling in the stroller. 
The real plane from Duck Tales. I had no idea that was a real model. I'm impressed with the myriad of ways people have left the ground and flown in the sky. 

And back at the track Andrea was playing on the fencing. The seats were comfortable and there were plenty to hold all the spectators. 
In her 1500 she got 7th still in medal position. She zoomed to the front then pulled herself back. That small thought- I shouldn't be first cooled her off enough to be 7th. We have been talking about positive affirmations her entire running career. She is not a fast finisher but gains her ground in the beginning. Again probably something mental. She is tough though and fights for her position. We are sure proud of her effort and commitment. 
Reluctantly showing us her medals. She does not brag or want to be talked about. 
An even more reluctant picture with parents. Oh well we left shortly thereafter. Life with teenagers is always up and down. 
She made big gains at this meet and had some positive press. All new experiences at our house. 
We enjoyed our time away. We headed home with little traffic and a vague hope we could find lodging somewhere closer to home. In Bend the hotels were double in price from the night before and mostly full. In Burns the hotels were full and closed. So we kept driving. We got home at 3:30 a.m. Thankfully we listened to some audio books by Richard Peck. Traffic was light and the two police we passed were while in a pack of other cars. So no tickets, no incidents, and less frustration as the roads were mostly clear, and we had Saturday at home and could thus do the work that needed to be done.
It's always nice to get away and spend some time with Greg. We enjoyed our site seeing and watching Addie. Life is good we are tired and blessed. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

5.18.23 Mother's Day Weekend

My sisters and I gathered this weekend to have juices and pedicures. It is good to be with the amazing ladies. The sun was so bright I could not face the phone. 
It was nice to take a break and relax with them for a few minutes. 
Our fancy toes. 
The next day for mothers day we had church and then the obligatory checking the chicks. The Ag kids have been caring for and watching chicks mature. Addie is very careful to take care of her chickens. I've been worried about this project she found out where the master key was a few days earlier which is good because this Sunday many pens needed food and water. Lucky for her she had lots of helpers. 
Some got carried away and sloshed used water on Merle. Thankfully clothes and kids wash. 

All enjoy working with Addie. 
At home we enjoyed a round of fresh fried french fries. 
After a very brief call the night before-"Amanda, Happy birthday." Click. I was so mad.  Our Elder called to visit. He really enjoys talking to his brothers. I was thankful to hear he is busy working as a missionary serving, encouraging, and teaching. That is my hope he will just be engaged in what he is asked to do. 
Of course one of the discussions is how strong are you? The guys compare weight lifting abilitiy, measurements, and of course flex for each other. Brothers are so much more interesting than mothers. Mark showing off his leg definition, and his almost uniform legs. 
Afton preparing for her roller skating trip today. Her teacher suggested roller derby might be her style. I think Afton could definitely enjoy roller derby she is competitive, loves to tussle and is fast, not to mention stylish! Lots of people. lots of quirks, lots of living. We are blessed. Life is good. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

5.17.23 Garden starts

Oh what an evening. It's planting time. Looking at my thinning food storage shelves I'm shown we need to be much more driven this year. We will be fine but I would like a better reserve. Thus we hope for better growing success. To be fair now farming larger scale the garden comes second. But mayeb that is going to be my contribution? Yesterday I transplanted more of my milk jug starts to big totes that were major disappointment in the bulb production. We labored and planted hundreds of bulbs hoping for plenty to share as bouquets. We got one. Though the lillies are coming a few at a time. 
After that feeling very successful and green. I was motivated to get some more seeds in the soil. I picked up my tomato order and a few other things like peppers and eggplants and companion plants from greenhouses. At home we diddled and discussed the day. There's a certain amount of unwind time that just has to happen each day. After dinner we headed to the garden spot. 
We are continuously debating and diliberating about till vs. no-till this year. For sure we are minimal till but not to the no-till spot. Thus the roto-tiller. The ground is hard and needs ammending. But time is of the essence as is manpower and I had all my people in one spot to watch the slip-shod show of my older kids. It was great. 
This one was a fierce little monkey only wanting to be held by mom or tears lots of tears. 

This one is opposed to tradition and seriously wants to experiment. We are trying some new ideas but slowly. 
Lots of commentary from this one, and deciding to Mollify the young one wanting some more attention. 

Afton says her mom is good at screaming. Well I haven't been doing a lot of  that since surgery my cords are too tight, but last night I got a good stretch in as the ding around factor was too much. The sense of urgency I feel is in direct opposition to the don't care of my children sometimes. 

After some powerful words and instruction the process happened. We planted watermelon and cantaloupe. We are hoping to have enough to share. Heck even enough to eat. This may or may not be Addie's 4-h project. Being both an FFA member and 4-H member means she needs a separate project for each. She's a busy lady. I found the idea of a sharing garden on the 4-H website and thought it would be pretty straight forward.

Watching all the kids enjoying the dirt Andrea kicked and kicked to get down and try it out too. She was not so sure when her toes touched down. Merle came to reassure her. She wanted up again pretty soon.
We have some radishes and beets up. We are trying the smoother method to lower weed pressure. 
Marking wandering rows. We tried again. 
I tried sharpening some pruners. I think I increased the edge a bit. Tool maintenance and restoration is a lost art. We are so into throwing things away. I wish I remembered or knew more. 
Addie sees beauty. A calm serene evening, after fireworks from mom. All part of the experience I guess. I hope we can get living things to prosper this year. My friends I harvested from in the past planted abundantly so we are trying that this year many plants in a few locations. 

Life with water is always trying newly fixed riser station blew apart with first use. After the water receded the boys replaced the riser and it was useable. 
Life being a red head means sun protection. This little one will do it if her sisters do. Thus Aliza's old pioneer hat and she was willing for a while. 
It seems easier to just use the big stuff. But we can learn to use our hands and energy to grow things too. We can learn to be gardeners as well as farmers. 

 So we endeavor to grow our food we work to get along and obey. We aspire to share and feast. Life is good especially looking up we are filled with possibility now the work of daily endurance and working to address the weeds and water needed for success. We are blessed in our life on earth full of hardship and adversity to see we can master ourselves and subdue nature with God's help.