Monday, May 8, 2023

5.8.23 Planting

We were anxious for spring to come. April was unseasonably cold and wet this year. So we took matters into our own hands and started some seeds indoors. I was so pleased with my helpers but I will honestly say I was tired for the rest of the day after managing this project. 

The kids poked holes in the cups I labeled them then they filled them with potting soil. Bruce applied water with our recycled milk jug. 

Andrea was very interested. She is a curious cat these days wanting to figure out how things work. She's not to the copy cat stage but instead the dump out, feel, twirl, and make big messes stage before doing things as we do. 
This is her sad she can't do more. See the dirt on the rug, the party was already getting out of control. This was a cold wet day outside thus we had to be inside. 
Another day we stopped at Uncle Kevin's per his invitation. We were shocked and surprised at these amaze highly valued new toys. They are the last all metal tractors in the United States. They are great toys and every young man here wished he was so lucky.

And life! I was so happy to see the seeds popping up. Something about our efforts actually becoming what we hoped was just fulfilling. 
In March we tried out the milk jug method of starting seeds. This worked in most cases. Now we are opening the jugs to wonder what we planted and to harden them off. From all this seed starting we found they will grow in protection but don't grow correctly. The more wind and coolness the stronger the stems and the leaves are a deep green color instead of sickly yellow. Possibly a big lesson there you must have adversity to grow correctly. 
This lady is in for a year of adversity as she is required to step up and do more work. Lesson one setting up hand line. She managed and only cried once or twice. It's gonna be a big growing year for her. 
Some tomatoes we milk jug started then I transplanted one morning. I'm pretty proud of these. We need a lot of tomatoes this year I'm hoping these will come through.
The leftovers. 

 So we put our faith in some seeds, soil and water and plan for harvest. Likewise on the farm we are planting lots of seeds. I took a turn planting. this is Mark showing me the main points but not how to start. Thus the next day I planted happily for 3 hours only to find when I should have been empty and ready for seed I in fact hadn't dropped a one. Thus I had to restart and redo. Thankfully the GPS made that pretty easy to do besides the frustration of wasted time. I do enjoy listening to podcasts and found headphones to be really reliable especially with phone calls. Greg could hear me just fine and I him. That is extremely rare. 

This is a very tired sad boy to be pulled from the tractor. He loves to farm. 
Conferring on what to do next. Love these two farmers of mine. I love watching them grow in comradery, ability, decision making, and obedience. we are always hoping they will just do what we ask when we far that skill is still developing. 
And never one to miss an opportunity Greg held my hand while we walked from one tractor to the next on a dark and stormy night. Oh well I'm glad we were there together and peaceful enough to hold hands. One thing about farming is the million times more stress that is added into our life. From finances, to nature problems, to people and kids its a lot to balance on top of my normal. I won't lie and say this long spring hasn't been helpful to my mental state.  Now here we are finally going and so it is.

With all that added stress there is some carry over from years previous we have a particularly bad relationship with a person in great power over us. That statement alone starts a fire. The fact that it's continuing on is more fuel and the daily reality that we can't control what use to be manageable is maddening again and again. And we've only been working for one week. Our grandmothers were notoriously happy, kind, generous souls. I've been pondering how they were so. They too farmed and lived the hard life of tilling the soil and dealing with animals and husbands. How did they smile and seem so even? How were they so positive? 

The only thing I have come to is " The only thing we can control or change is ourselves." Thus I'm praying daily for a mighty change of heart. Both our own and the people that are so mad and vindictive towards us. I'm praying that we will remember how good God has been to us. From the pivot quitting on Aug 15th and the corn still being fully mature without 2 more weeks of water. To the water lasting long enough to get a crop the next two years. We do try to be good stewards and people of integrity but ultimately God is the winning card the maker-upper when we have no more we can do. I'm working to teach my kids we have to forgive, we have to calm down, and we have to trust God. Maybe in the teaching I will hold it better in my front memory, not the floaty I remember I forget spots of my brain. I'm hoping for a miracle I'm searching to be better. I'm blessed with so many good women who smile a lot and make life peaceful and good. That is a heavy weight to try to carry. Yet, I know I am blessed and our life is good that's why we choose this again and again. 

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