Thursday, May 18, 2023

5.18.23 Mother's Day Weekend

My sisters and I gathered this weekend to have juices and pedicures. It is good to be with the amazing ladies. The sun was so bright I could not face the phone. 
It was nice to take a break and relax with them for a few minutes. 
Our fancy toes. 
The next day for mothers day we had church and then the obligatory checking the chicks. The Ag kids have been caring for and watching chicks mature. Addie is very careful to take care of her chickens. I've been worried about this project she found out where the master key was a few days earlier which is good because this Sunday many pens needed food and water. Lucky for her she had lots of helpers. 
Some got carried away and sloshed used water on Merle. Thankfully clothes and kids wash. 

All enjoy working with Addie. 
At home we enjoyed a round of fresh fried french fries. 
After a very brief call the night before-"Amanda, Happy birthday." Click. I was so mad.  Our Elder called to visit. He really enjoys talking to his brothers. I was thankful to hear he is busy working as a missionary serving, encouraging, and teaching. That is my hope he will just be engaged in what he is asked to do. 
Of course one of the discussions is how strong are you? The guys compare weight lifting abilitiy, measurements, and of course flex for each other. Brothers are so much more interesting than mothers. Mark showing off his leg definition, and his almost uniform legs. 
Afton preparing for her roller skating trip today. Her teacher suggested roller derby might be her style. I think Afton could definitely enjoy roller derby she is competitive, loves to tussle and is fast, not to mention stylish! Lots of people. lots of quirks, lots of living. We are blessed. Life is good. 

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