Tuesday, May 16, 2023

5.16.23 Seasons

The big kids are busy competing and traveling while the younger ones get left to just grow. They are easier and messier. It's a weird paradox to be fast and slow. That's one thing Anna pointed out while home was the different parent I was when she was a kid. I told her I had less kids and responsibilities I had more undivided attention. It was harder and easier. These younger kids get a lot of time doing what they want because I am supporting the older kids. Sitting for undefined amounts of time watching track meets. I was struck this mother's Day how blessed I was to still have baby snuggles and easy happiness with this little one. Although we were walking the halls because she was done sitting I was thankful for the same ol' same ol.  And because we were in the halls I received my children's chocolate gifts before they were routed to the car to devour the chocolate while I visited. A total win for me. I found I really like dark chocolate kisses. 
This young man is all boy. He loves to be with dad and his brothers. His eyes are much more shiney when they are around. He rides fourwheelers, tractors, trucks, whatever they are doing. I love his enthusiasm to be a buddy to all. 
Bruce found his bow and arrow and has been spending time shooting arrows. Interesting the younger ones are happy to watch and retreive. 

These cuties had a quick date with their dad for the Daddy Daughter Dance. Greg too is lucky to get to keep being a date to such pretty daughters. 
And some blessings from heaven. A Monday night storm. We got a solid 1/4-1/2" last Monday night. Complete with marble size hail. I was thankful there were no crops out of the ground, but that much needed moisture sure helped bring the crops up. It rained again last night a week later and while not as much we were thankful for every drop counts. Some places were flooded we were on the edge of the storm and thus just got a nice warm rain. 
Moisture is such a big deal in farm life. We pray for it, we give thanks for it, and we work to distribute it. We are thankful for the lessons we learn petitioning God to help us help ourselves. Life is good. 

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