Sunday, May 14, 2023

5.14.23 Track meets

Track oh what to say? Addie has loved this track season from the coaches to the assortment of friends and competitors.  Addie has worked hard and learned a lot resulting in a successful season. It's fun to watch her compete it's maddening how long the track meets last. This is coming to a head as more and more is required at home as the farm wakes up and comes to life.  

This relay team has fast become her favorite race. They are challenged by the Nyssa teams their anchor runner edges them out in the last 5-10 meters. The girls work hard and are fierce competitors.. 
A friend shared these pictures I love how they show Addie's stride. She's flying in a lot of these. 

She is the air pose from my childhood. I love watching her compete. 
These meets are hard to tell the whole picture. The top two girls are from La Grande they are a 4 A school. The top girls is a freshman who moves really fast. She has a unique running motion but she moves she lapped all the last place girls and finished 3/4 of a lap ahead of Addie. This race shaved 38s off her previous best time. She was beat at the end but had to dig deep for the relay that was a mere half hour later. 
I wanted to pull her from the relay but kept my peace while watching her like a hawk. I was thankful for teammates that came to her and brought her water and mental toughness to stay upright. She ran a good time and they got 3rd just being edged out by the fast nyssa team. 

A handfull of medals from two meets. 

And so the season goes. She is enjoying it we grit our teeth and deliver her early in the morning and retrieve her from the bus late at night. We are thankful she is successful and are thankful this season is almost past. District this week then state the next week. She is currently the reigning fastest in all her events 800, 1500, 3000. Her relay team is third in rankings. 

Life is good. 

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