Tuesday, May 9, 2023

5.9.23 Prom

For 22 years these have set wrapped in a box. They were up high out of reach and awareness of curious hands. Yet a few weeks ago I was preparing for our first prom dinner and I mentioned them to Addie. She had never seen on of Grandma Saunders fancy dinners but she had heard of them. We weren't as fancy but we cooked good food. The glasses were a nice touch of hey you're special, have a nice drink!
Likewise we pulled down the semi-fancy china. I have a nicer set still in wrapping just waiting. Maybe engagement dinners someday? 
We cleaned and cleaned to get everything ready to host friends. Thankfully the kids could play outside thus the house could stay clean and I could focus. 

Mark ran in from working on the tractor got cleaned up and out the door in under 10 minutes. I love that about young men so quick and generally easy! 

The boys watching their brothers get home. They were so cute saying oh that's just Grace she's our friend. I told them tonight she's your brothers date and not here to play with you. They were bummed but agreed to keep their distance.  Bruce was really studying he told me later how important it was for the boys to open the doors for the girls. I told him that was correct. 

Andrea agreed the frosting was just right. She was happy to taste test and cleanup left overs. 

We sure love these handsome guys. And we were so thankful for Amazon making them look spiffy. Likewise the florist for texting us a reminder that we hadn't yet picked up the obligatory flowers. We are blessed with good neighbors and community business people who understand their customers and work to give good experiences. 
I was in the middle of washing the car getting ready to go cleanup. I had been grocery shopping early and had worn a hat thus the deflated hair. How proud I am of these young men. They are good, strong, smart, and fun to be around. 
Mark's lone prom picture he posed for. At the dance he didn't want to pay for pictures. I'm so thankful for moms and daughters who purchase and wear modest dresses it is so much easier for the young men. 
The group the girl in the middle is an extra friend who wanted to attend but didn't have a date. 

Back at home with my favorite easy crew. It was fun to host and provide ideas for the guys. We insisted they step up their dating game from the usual dinner and movie to something interactive. So they were here for some outdoor recreation then individual pizzas they rolled and topped. I cooked while they played a game. They had homemade grape juice in the fancy glasses. They drove off and I did the dishes and fed the waiting kids. We headed downstairs for another movie they had kept their deal being quiet and out of sight while the big kids had their experience. 

 Babies are their own distinct kind of hard but really their willingness to chill and snuggle bring a lot of comfort after a day chasing and helping create dreams with big kids. I'm thankful to have both sides and that the evening went well. 

John paid for these pictures. I like the action ones best they show the fun these two have together. Another memory in the books. We are blessed. 

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