Tuesday, May 16, 2023

5.16.23 FFA banquet

Past president Rylie with new president Mark. The annual FFA banquet and installation of new officer team. We have enjoyed knowing Rylie and learning from her the past 6  years. Mark is pretty thrilled to be the new president of the chapter. 
A very nice personalized plaque was made for Aliza by Merv Rimple- I'm not sure how his name is spelled. 
The state degree recipients of the year and Mr. Rumple white head. He is a visionary and dedicated life long supporter of the FFA. His ideas and tenacity have driven the scholarship program that has blessed countless members lives. The program has been so successful the board also grants travel funding for the chapter as well. These kids are very fortunate to have people like Mr. Rumple thinking of and looking out for them. 
Addie presented some awards last night. She is the incoming treasurer taking over where Mark left off. 
At home pre banquet Lia helped me cook desserts for the auction. She made her own little pie complete with rolling her dough and filling the cooked crust. 
Addie had read this story to her a few days earlier its a twist on the little red hen. She remembered the story and connected with her own pie baking experience. We read the book again when we were done. 
A new skill we worked on this year was decorating. We watched a lot of videos to learn some icing technique. Mostly I think the color makes or breaks the final outcome. We started mixing colors to get these roses. 
We also made strawberry pie. 
And after all the hoopla of the night there was a lot left over so we helped by bringing it home. The kids had a feast that night and the next day. 

We often take the very last leftovers. This has become a fun surprise for the kids at home. They enjoy the many taste tests they get to try. 

Livy tried her hand at decorating a few days before as well. 

And my sweet wake up crew. These two are pretty insistent that things happen as they want. I'm blessed by such energy and love. 

 Another year down, a new one to tackle. I'm so thankful for the continuity of FFA. I'm thankful Mark will be able to learn and grow by working with patient adults who see big picture and give their time and talents to the youth in our community. I'm thankful for the many opportunities my kids have found in this program. They are better for them. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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