Thursday, June 22, 2023

6.22.23 4-h Fair prep

Small animals are my favorite fair entries. They have a short window of responsibility one day of showing and they don't eat much. Today was the picture due date so we had a small photo shoot last night with the said critters. 
It was close to golden hour and the kiddos were cuter than the fluffy chicks.

This is a new variety a Red flock master from Pennsylvania they are much hardier though not as large as the traditional cornish cross shown above. We shall see which grows to the necessary size for fair competition. 
Another harvest from the garden basil. We love the smell of basil and pesto is divine! I'm freezing the leaves until I get enough for a batch of pesto. 
Alia loves summer but four wheeler riding is horrible on hair. Her curly hair really catches the dirt and wind and is nearly impossible to comb out. Thus it was time to braid her hair. This is the first attempt. Her hair is actually fairly long but with the tight curls it's always the same length. She was excited to have her hair done.  
It's been a long time since Aliza has let me facetime with her and see her face. I was so happy to see her and watch her work one night this week. This is her cowlady get up, getting ready to go work in the gift shop. She can wear brown it makes her skin glow. My kids mostly wear colors I don't personally like. It's been a learning curve figuring out what looks best on them. 
Her kitchen is tidy and mostly always clean. She is such an organized body and such a delight to visit with when she will. 
Millie is enlivened by the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe series of books.  Of course she was happy to snuggle Andrea who got up too early. 
I tried some more watercolor cards for some thank you's. I was happy with how they turned out. Thank you YouTubers for the instruction.
And more 4-H walking pigs. Livy was not impressed with her first attempts. It ended in tears for her as she has never had to independently guide an animal and thus didn't understand how to move her body and the pig. This next time with Mark, who gives us all courage and instruction, the walking was much better. All part of the process is learning how to master yourself and another animal.

The best part of summer projects is it's all of us. Everyone is together. I invested in some cheap squirt guns the kids are enjoying getting each other wet. 

 The days are long and frustrating trying to get everyone where they are suppose to be, kids at home bored and un structured. The constant food and dishes it's a lot. Then being ignored most of the time. This is not a happy smiley mom. I really marvel at people who are smiley. Mostly I feel like an elephant is stomping on me or wanting a piggy back ride.

So it goes the rains have made the elephant a baby instead of full grown. It's fascinating how different each farm season is. We have yet to have more than one day of 90 degree weather most are 70-80. We even had to dig some more blankets out for night time. The neighbors below us their corn is black on the top leaves from frost damage. I'm thankful our crops are still green and growing. We continue to spend an hour a day, most days, in the garden. I'm pondering if that's where I should spend my time but I am satisfied and proud of each small harvest and the order we can keep there. We work together weeding, mulching, planting, and watering. There are small tomatoes on several plants, the vines continue to expand and the flowers are blooming again. So far so good I guess the time spent together is good for them too. We definitely get our hands dirty and spend time being in nature. I hope someday they will understand the crazed determination to make them responsible, careful, observative (notice what's under your feet, where things are located, etc etc.) and able to handle large tasks. I enjoy the garden and hope the demands will again teach the lessons that we think are imperative to capable adulthood. So mow the acres they do mow every week, and pull weeds for hours on end, and ride bikes, and squirt guns, and and and. We are blessed. 

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