Tuesday, October 24, 2023

10-24-23 big kids

John was asked to go to homecoming in Nyssa. His date set everything up and they had a good time. 
These guys are pretty good friends. On each side are cousins John and the blond met through stake activities and found they really enjoyed interacting. 
The whole group. They had a really good time. 

Addie continues to log mile after mile through races and practice. She really thought she would win this race and was disappointed to be passed at the end. She ran well. We are working on new strategies, this week we are working on going to bed early to put fuel in her energy bank so she won't run out of gas at her district race this week. 

Livy trying on her new dress after working outside. She is on cow watering duty and works later than the other sisters. She has really become more confident this school year. She has also gained permission to listen to books on moms phone while she does the cow watering. There are so many good books to listen to. 
We were super thrilled to have Anna and Aliza home for a weekend in October. We sure love having the older kids around and in the mix. 
Of course no weekend is ever dull. here Anna is playing with Andrea at the Willowcreek harvest fest. 
Merle and Aliza getting reacquainted. The girls had spent most of the day doing homework while I made pies with Livy and Millie. It was a good day and such a pleasant evening. 
The highlight was Bingo at the end of the evening. How the kids love Bingo. Addie paid for the games. The kids won prizes and all were happy. 
Addie was spotlighted by her track coach. 
More pictures of Addie fighting hard. Cross country is just a grueling sport. 
Through the race Addie hung back then she passed that girl and another but in the end, I think this one chasing her up the hill passed her and won the race. Bitter defeat. 
As we keep rechanneling though it's not defeat you compete each week do your best for that course, day, conditions, physical and mental state, and move on. She is much happier when she is running everyday. Life is good and it's been an ideal fall for all this outside work. This week the weather is suppose to change which adds another dimension of challenge. Hard makes strong. We are blessed. 

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