Wednesday, October 25, 2023

11.25.23 Football, FFA, and missions

 The photography moms captured another game for me. I was not able to make this game. Due to some mysterious leg injury sitting is pretty uncomfortable. I'm working on getting better but the soreness and throbbing just changes locations. So I'm doubly thankful for the women who take such great action shots for me. 

Mark spent a lot of time at center. 

And thus protecting the quarterback. He's a tough kid who works hard. The other team was a lot less skilled so Defense played a majority of the game. The coaches have been wanting Mark to develop into a center. Thus an easy game provided some much needed playing time for new postions. 

John mostly watched. The other team was not as big, fast, conditioned, or mature of players. John got a bit dirty but mostly supports from the sidelines on these games. I appreciate the coaches not just driving the score up and up that's demoralizing and not very sportsmanlike. I also appreciate the play time for younger more inexperienced players. Not Mark but junior and lower classmen who also get Varsity time. 

Back at home Addie competed in the Ag sales contest selling bread. She placed first in the beginning contest. She works hard at everything she does. Her friend who jumped in last minute placed 3rd. Sales is such a real contest I love that they gain skills and experience in so many areas. 
The beginning team. The young man in the picture has never competed and was pretty negative in his nervousness. Yet after the scores were shared and the team placed 3rd he was excited to prepare for next year. I love this about FFA kids who just get roped into a contest can gain confidence, experience, and skills that will help them not only today but throughout their whole life. A major win for that 3rd place showing.
And a throughback from Harold. He really misses the team aspect of his mission. He truly loved being on the missionary team and all the great young men he interacted and worked with- in a beautiful location no less. He has adjusted well but I know he misses the freedom and structure of missionary life. 
Days just keep stacking up. New kids same events. Thankfully we hope for similar confidence, learning, and growth. We have the long view on our side phasing into older parenthood with our younger set of kids. Life is good and we are so blessed everyday. 

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