Sunday, October 29, 2023

10.28.23 Senior Night Football

A few weeks ago some Senior moms who are much more nostalgic and invested in special events contacted me asking for financial donations to sponsor my senior football player special gift package. Gifts are not my love language! And the reality side of me is very present whenever considering presents. Thus I sent more than one text encouraging the gifts to be smaller and less involved. However, the end result was a powerful presentation of these guys who are growing up and moving on. I was impressed and thankful for the moms with bigger visions and fewer hangups like 'what will we do with that after the night of use? and/or One more thing to carefully store while John moves on with his life.' 
They asked for a young picture of John we are not believers in playing sports when young. I believe in free play and growth without repetitive motion. I found I didn't have a lot of pictures of John as a child. I also found two really cute ones of him in sports theme shirts. 
Presenting John with his gift bag. He had goosebumps already and the sun wasn't down. We are so pleased of the young man he has chosen to become. 

It was a cold night. We wore our work apparel which we know is cold and windproof. Harold and his dad. Greg smiles a little bit bigger whenever Harold is around. I don't know that Harold realizes how proud Greg is of him. 
After a hard fight they won easily 69-0 against Nyssa. A picture with the coach. 
I am very thankful for this man's patience, teaching, and example. He is a devoted father and husband, he is a regular church goer and thoughtful man. I agree with the coaching staff their methods and their character are good. Because they are good I don't mind my sons learning from them and spending a lot of time with them. 
Another great man and supporter is papa Corn. He had the vision for his sons to learn life lessons through football and has been so supportive on and off the field of his grandsons. They sure appreciate his encouragement and interest. 
Grandma Corn! She loves to feed people and is sometimes tricky in what she makes. She would challenge John's tastebuds and we were amazed at her ability to mask uncommon ingredients. Most people think zuchinni bread is an oddity thats small time compared to our grandma Corn's imagination. 
The Junior class with the coveted wagon wheel trophy. It has mostly resided in Vale since the rivalry began.
One with mom. How I love watching them do things they love. I know these smiles are genuine and I'm thankful they are such fine young men who choose to be righteous, who are smart and so interesting to visit with, who work hard, who are mostly polite and grateful. 
One bittersweet part of the game was playing against cousin Michael. He's a freshman lineman. These guys are friends who love to discuss farming and sports. 

Papa isn't partial toward either side he just loves that his grandsons are able to grow into strong men in everyway mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. 

Seniors pictured with Dr. Munk who sponsors the game and gives a sizeable donation to each team each year. 
After a very successful day Andrea stayed up to share in the visiting with Addie and Mark. She is stealing the spoon from Addie and eating the ice cream then demanding the spoon be refilled. 

High school athletics requires constant attention to hydration and nourishment. We also work on relaxation and listening to experiences. The little kids provide much needed love and diversion. 

Part of John's gift pack. I think the photo shoot to get some of these pictures was as much fun as seeing them. A mom had all the seniors come over for an hour or so of staged pictures. Any opportunity to be with friends is welcome to John. 
President Hinkley said the most important part of teenage life is good friends. It's not more scriptures or church or married parents it's the friends you cultivate. Football has opened the door to acceptance and friends for my sons. Special learning relationships have formed with men and peers. Football has been a life-changing experience. We pray it is for the better. So far we are happy with the results. Another special night in the books, on to play-offs. We are blessed. 

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