Wednesday, October 4, 2023

10.4.23 Team

This is our first experience with a Senior Football player. Our first experience with a season full of hopes and dreams and yet each game is the last. John has loved every second of his football experience. Even though conditioning is hard, loosing is miserable it's all shared. 
He's grown in so many ways in his four years. His first year was the COVID hoopla and the season happened in the spring. He enjoyed the taste he got. 
This is the John we love. He is funny and likes to laugh. Though he rarely allows us to catch a picture of his enjoyment. 

Those are real guns right there. These were part of yet another photo shoot in preparation for senior night coming in a few weeks. So many pictures!
This is the reason. The guys who sweat and protect each other, who share the experience of working hard, winning, losing, enduring, and overall growing together. This journey has taught me it's so much more than the uniforms and the pictures of wins it's being part of the group. Being respected for doing your job in the group and for being needed and wanted it's about showing you are tough and can do so much more than you thought you could day in and day out. 
The whole team. 
Some more game pictures. I would not want to take on this line they are big and strong. 
Likewise, the defense is gonna get you down. Mark has been an explosive player and fun to watch. 

There is something special about working next to your brother. I have loved watching these two grow up and mature in their roles and abilities. They are distinctly different personalities and temperaments but I think day in and day out they know they can count on each other and trust what the other has to offer. 
I've learned football is so much more than I imagined. I'm thankful for their growth and development. I'm very thankful they have not been hurt badly. It's been an enjoyable pastime for our family to watch. We all have had to grow to make this happen. Thankfully we have lots of abilities and kids ready to step up and learn too. We are blessed to be part of other teams and to still thrive in our home team. Life is good. 

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