Monday, October 23, 2023

10.23.23 younger kids

Constant back and forth trying to meet everyone's needs at their life stages These little ones just roll sleep when their eyes shut eat whatever. My younger sister says she liked being the youngest and having such an enriched life with so many comings and goings of the older siblings their life may be richer in information. 
For instance Addie is in a photography college class these are some of her pictures. 

Lia loves to practice reading. My sister informed me kids need to read lots of words so its ok if they read easy books. Yay babysitter club. Millie is enjoying those stories. 
These two are buddies and helpers.

My pretty redheads with my lone Millie. 

My sweet sleeping baby. I enjoy those times of just resting with her even though there's plenty I should be doing. 
The girls got new dresses. I absolutely love Afton's dress. 
Lia has some room to grow she sure looks pretty
Bruce got a suit he was so excited. These pants were not his size yet. 

A solution Bruce found the jacket worked just fine with his old pants. 

We went to the dentist and I was patting Merle's pockets. I found this egg in his pocket. Thankfully the egg was uncracked. He's in the stage of wanting full pockets all the time. 
I was asked to find younger pictures of John. I searched and searched this is one I found. He was such a cute little guy. I remember him as happy and curious. 
When we got home from the dentist the cows were out. Merle went to help get them in. He armed himself with rocks and a stick. I love how big he is and am struck by him copying his siblings so closely.

This life keeps me on my toes and constantly behind. I'm thankful for these full days full pockets and all. It's so interesting to see what these kiddos become. I remember John and Mark as curious interesting little boys and they are great young men now. Life goes fast. We are blessed. 

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