Thursday, October 26, 2023

10.26.23 fall harvest

One continuing benefit of county fair is the growing friendship between these two cousins. At our house we think Millie is our little daughter but she and her close cousin are about the same size. I guess the other kids at our house because they are much taller. Nonetheless, we are thankful for shared interests, world view and the fun of having cousins around. 

Another weekend project was cleaning the garden. This is the first load of pumpkins harvested. Reed is so proud of these. Looking at the beautiful day as the wind howls today I miss the warmth. 
Next the squash were picked. After picking the younger kids washed them with clean water then bleach water so hopefully they last longer giving us a bigger window to eat them. Pictured on the right is Livy's special cousin/friend Emilynn. 
Later in the day we went to pick apples. Bruce volunteered to be the tall guy he was on top of his tall cousins shoulders and they worked to pick every apple available. 
We picked hundreds of pounds of apples. These Romes are the best to cook with. They bake into a delicious dessert. 
One morning Lia and I spent some time painting together. Since the kids have returned to school she has been my buddy I'm thankful she enjoys being with me as much as her sisters. It's easy to get lost in the many loving people in a family. Mom has to be the disciplinarian (that means to teach and correct). Spending time together has helped our relationship grow. 
A few of the cards I painted. 

 I really enjoy painting cards. I listened to a parenting coach explain her thoughts and methods while we applied color to paper. I'm thankful for sisters who share their learning journeys with me. Two of my younger sisters shared with me whom they are studying and I have benefited greatly. I've been working out with weights for over a month and am now on a path to improve my parenting skills and use more language to teach and coach my children in a better way. 

I'm thankful for the many methods and mentors that are available via technology. I can learn anything while I wash dishes, hold sad or sick kids, or do mindless data entry. We are so blessed with an abundance of information. Life is good and we are very blessed. 

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