Friday, January 5, 2024

1.6.24 Aliza sendoff

We began Tuesday with dental appointments. We had been waiting for months to get these teeth worked on. Aliza was in one room and I was in the other she took about half an hour and I took about an hour. We did some errands and came home to get loaded up. The kids were giggly. After a peaceful night at home where we had steak dinner and watched belles on their toes all together my heart was ready for this. They will all get so much bigger and more able while she is gone. 
Greg had to rescue/tow someone whose car had totally died. So Aliza and I walked a few blocks and waited for the long ride to start. A while till these two are back together again. 
We stopped at my parents. We always appreciate their support and encouragement. 
We raced down the road and first stopped at Aunt Gwen's. She too had called Greg that day with a car problem. She couldn't get the interior lights off in her car and thus her battery was continually dying. Thank goodness for AAA who came and gave her a jump but more importantly showed her how to use the dial to turn off the lights. She is getting more frail but was a sweet visit. Her example of how to read to children has definitely blessed our family. We had a late diner at Texas Roadhouse were we met return missionaries and spotted others entering the MTC the next day. It's always eye-opening to observe our fellow people also having life experiences. 
We stayed in Spanish Fork and went visiting the next day. The Rogers family. 
Gary and Joy Lundberg, who shared experiences from working at the UN with ambassadors. 
Janice Perry. Who is always a delight. 
And the final goodbye. She was so ready to just get on her mission. I was having a hard time but she left and that is the good thing. 
It is a great gift to be a parent. There are so many hours spent developing each child. From caring for them when they are young, to enduring their peculiarities while children and striving to find their niche to trying to keep up in their teenage years it is a long journey. Aliza sparked learning in our home, she fueled that fire with her talent to obtain large quantities of information. I don't pretend to know as much as she does at one topic but I do love learning on the fringes of her explorations. We appreciate the opportunities she gave us to travel and take a break. We really appreciated all the care and nurturing she gave our family. 
After a 3-minute fall apart as we drove out of the parking garage, we were off visiting others and had good experiences ministering and catching up with them. We bought a car and began driving separately. I had heard my uncle was not doing well and was close to death. This was sad to me but I Wasn't sure if I wanted to take the time to stop. We did a turn around and did stop I was so thankful for the time to just relax. Their home has always been a place to relax and refuel. I was happy to observe he is not about to die but is having to accept age and the frailties of the human body. 

I'm a firm believer that it's more important to go when people are alive than when they are dead. I'll be forever grateful for the example of this dynamic long suffering and still-smiling aunt and uncle. 

They have rescued me so many times in college. They were a fun getaway growing up, my window into that mystical "Utah" world. 

This is why we send our kids on missions to help others learn more about family relationships. To encourage faith and trust in God. She is finally on her mission and honestly it's much calmer than while we were waiting and waiting. I came home and shepherded sick kids from afar. We will get through that too. I'm thankful for my eternal companion even though it's hard to deal with all the day to day,  constant struggles, and changes he is my one nad only. We are blessed and our Life is good. It was so good to sleep all night two nights in a row! 

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