Thursday, March 28, 2024

3.28.24 Days go by

Anna and Harold came home for the weekend a few weeks ago. It was so nice to be together for a few hours. I'm so pleased with who they choose to be. It's no easy task to figure out your life, I'm still working on details, but it's so comforting to have a group that loves you no matter what. 
We started kindergarten prep with Alia. She is a smart cookie, just like her older siblings she is anxious to learn and already knows a lot. It's a pleasure to teach her. 
And she loves to share her progress with her older siblings. 
Greg bought a new to us, carry-all, for the farm a few weeks ago. He and Bruce went on a Friday to retrieve it, thinking he would tow it home behind the pick-up. The auctioneers saw that as a poor idea and suggested bringing a trailer the next day. So the next day I got to ride shotgun and travel to Lagrand with Greg. On the way home we got a flat tire and had to stop for a repair. While waiting for the replacement we were directed to a restaurant across the street. Greg got this monster dinner. He loved it. We were almost finished when some people walked in with a great Dane dog that they instructed to get up in the booth with them. The dog went to drinking water from their glasses and rubbing its backside all over the bench. I was sickened. Greg had his back to the event and was just laughing watching it all. I got up to pay after the waitress petted the dog and then brought our water refills with no hand washing in between I was done. I paid, Greg insisted I tip, and we went away hoping hands had been washed sometime prior to serving us. 
Merle was preaching the good word one evening. He's so cute, and I love his desire to know and speak of Jesus. 

I found this one day and thought it really applied to our January, Febrary, and March leading up to the FFA state convention. 
The night before the last day of school I worked to make tortillas and beans for Livy's final project. 
Lemon sunshine cake for Reed's birthday. 
And a pie that is not pictured for Addie's math class. 
The next day we headed to the doctor I figured out the white stuff in Merle's hair was gum. Alia was fine I had a treatable condition, and we cut the gum out of Merle's hair. 
Life is super busy sometimes. Often I think I have something wrong with me lacking energy like I think i use to have. But when I think of all that is required in one day and then the next and next I may have some clues. I'm thankful for the abilities of the kids that balance out their tired-out mom. I'm thankful for the many journeys we are on, and the health and strength we mostly enjoy. Life is good and we are all together still loving and working together. We are so blessed. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

3.25.24 Missionary and track

Addie really enjoys the fast races. This is the 800 she really kicked in and set a new PR. She unfortunately doesn't get to run them very often. 
A highlight of the event was a thrower 100 meter relay. John and Mark both participated on different teams. John was captured by the local sports writer. 
Alia loves to write to Aliza. This is one example. 

Aliza got to meet with the entire mission to hear Elder Cook and his wife for a training session. 
At the first track meet it was cold. My guys don't wear a lot of extra clothes. Thankfully we were sheltered a bit by the hillside of the Ontario track. But it was still cold. 
Mark throwing the shot put. Still working on form. 

Mark also threw the javelin. 
John threw in the dark. 

Addie was just a blur as she ran the 3000. I was on a date with Bruce for a mother-son activity put on by local stake primary. He was not a fan of the dancing and was most interested in redeeming his coupon for the kiwi loco. We went there and got frozen yogurt then headed to the track meet to stand in the blowing wind and watch and watch the meet crawl on. 
The seasons are changing and the skies are continuing to awe us with the beauty and varied colors. 

Monday mornings are a highlight getting to talk to Aliza I love the time to hear her voice and get to discuss the world with her. 
So life moves on measured in weeks and seconds. The kids keep busy with various activities, and we seek to be there and have the appropriate supplies. I'm thankful for each that is in our home. How did I deserve this? I'm so in awe of that responsibility and opportunity I have to be the mom to so many dynamic energetic kiddos. Now to work on the bike situation. All this energy needs and outlet. We have lots of bikes with an assortment of fix-it needs. Hopefully we can get our fix-it team to spend some time getting a few rideable. Life is good. 

3.27.24 State FFA convention

State Convention was one of highs and lows. So many emotions depending on the hour. First off was the Ag Issues presentation. Addie worked hard preparing this contest and gave a good try for the others. Unfortunately, the parts were not memorized and one team member did not answer a question so they got docked. I'm sad for them but we learn and do better next year. John had a great time being the environmentalist comfy in his Crocs. The official dress looks sharp but is not the most comfortable foot-wise. 
We learned prior to the contest the kids would have to use a microphone so we prepared quickly getting ready to adjust hand movements for one hand being occupied. Mark looked so good I am so pleased with his effort this year. 
Speaking at the contest he did excellent. It was a tight contest with no clear winner. I knew the judges would have a hard time sorting out who did best. 
However, I was unprepared for the results. The winner is on the far left. Mark is obviously very angry. Great this is a picture from the State slideshow. His manuscript hurt him lack of zeroed in topic was the problem. Again we live we learn we work to improve. 
John took the farm business test in between a lot of socializing at the ag career show. 

Greg also enjoyed the show. He was delighted to see the dairy princesses were sharing cookies and cold milk. He visited for quite a while with the ladies of the dairy council. Everywhere we go Greg visits and visits learning about people and making them feel cared for. 
And when the rest of the chapter namely the advisor heard there was milk available Greg offered to go get more. And somehow also came back with cookies. He was thrilled. 

Mark looked so good and confident on the big stage. All sadness aside to be doon the stage is a huge accomplishment. He did not place this year. Next year he will be doing extemporaneous. He is not excited about that but it fits him with his vast knowledge base and quick thinking and now his confident stage presence he will do well if he continues learning and preparing. 

He and his friend Sierra also got their state degrees. These two are real workers. They tie for hours each year when applying for chapter degrees. We really enjoyed getting to know her father at this convention. He served as a chaperone.
Mark's advisor got them chocolate milk. A nice end to a hard evening. 
The next morning after seeing the judges score cards for the contest we were there to watch Addie on stage. This is highly unusual to have siblings both appear on stage in the same year. 
She placed 4th. The judges said they wished she had more content. Being the 4th version of her speech and only two weeks old We were impressed. She also needs to learn to stop learning and give her brain space to process because it causes information overload in her head and she says uhm as she's working to formulate her answers. 

But you can't argue with a banner. We were very thankful that after her enormous effort in preparing the team and her speech that she got an award. 

And to finish the convention these two with support of their advisor took a small test drive. The novelty of the experience was a memory in the books. The entire convention experience shapes the attendees. It builds confidence and memories. I'm thankful FFA continues to offer premier leadership training to youth across the nation. I'm thankful my kids are able to be successful and to learn to handle disappointment. I'm thankful they are together in the journey. I'm thankful for the many parents who chaperone and encourage them year after year. I'm thankful to share the time and space with them. We will become better not bitter, no matter what. We are blessed. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

3.18.24 Fermented Foods

For years I've been tired, lacking energy I wished I had, coupled with my continual hair loss I've been wondering what can be done. Of course, I didn't head to the doctor to wait and wait and donate more blood, but talked to my herbalist and got some ideas. She said I lacked minerals and that my body was not digesting or absorbing the foods I eat. This has been constant for 8+years. I take various supplements for a while then stop and try living without vitamins and herbal mixes. Well after the latest call back to the handful of pills I started investigating other ideas too. Fermented food is supposed to really help heal the gut and thus detox the liver which when not working right has symptoms like stubborn weight, hair loss, and lack of energy. I figured this was an easy try. I've been dabbling in sourdough mostly for the cost savings for a few years. My family still loves leavened bread but they eat the weekly sourdough offering as well. Earlier this year we found an even more simple recipe of just water, salt, starter and flour. It's easy but making it a day or so ahead is a challenge for me. 
Yet with the supposed cure for my hair loss, I was ready to try harder. So we've been enjoying lots of sourdough products. Bread, waffles, and pancakes. I also decided to try kefir. Or fermented milk which is so much cheaper than buying digestive enzymes or pro and pre-biotics for the guts. It's like yogurt without the controlled heat. 
Reed offered to take a pie for math class on pi day. Coconut cream is always in season and always a crowd favorite. He does smile sometimes just not for photographs.  
I saw the weekend deals were good at the local grocery store and sent Greg for some strawberries.  I mentioned bacon was on sale and he might get a box. He brought home 4. He's literally so good at always bringing home the bacon for his hungry family.
The girls worked on preparing the strawberries for storage and jam. Andrea ate all she could that evening. We each have a way to contribute and that was hers. 
The sourdough biscuits. Half the butter and no shortening I call that a major savings. I loved them. I grew up with light soft biscuits. The recipe the kids have been using is more crisp. They will adjust. 
And a loaf of our sourdough. I don't love flour on my lips when I eat bread nor do my teeth love crust so this is where we are at. Soft chewy bread. That disappears in about 10 minutes. Even making two loaves at a time there are no leftovers. I tried wholewheat for half the flour today we shall see what the kids think of that. 

 Life Is good there is so much to try and learn. I'm thankful for the time to try. I'm thankful for a family to feed and for their ability to process so many tries. I am so blessed. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

3.13.24 Bull Sale day

We took a little field trip with Mark and Reed yesterday. My kids have attended and helped with the Romans Charlois Bull sale for years. This year I rode along with the young ones to see what the event looked like. Mark and Reed joined up with the partners' sons Will and LJ to evaluate bulls and bet which would sell for the most. 
A primary selling point for me is the many people who opened the gates and walked into the pen of 10 bulls to move them around and see them walk and interact. So many people were in those pens and there were no wild runs for safety or shouts of watch out. Of course, these were seasoned cattle people but the charlois temperament along with their fast muscling is why we run this breed. 
The big blue sky and wide open pastures make this a perfect picture of cattle country. We were impressed with he water flows in the cricks. Areas that are usually dry were running and the high mountains are white-topped. It's such a relief to start with water for the farming season. 

Apparently Dodge is the preferred brand of pickup for cattle people. Many came prepared to take their purchase home that day. I took these pictures to send to my kids away from home yet remembering their years of attendance.
The younger kids enjoyed the vows and horses and pop!
Merle is friends with LJ and they had a nice break looking through the show catalog picking the best bulls. 
It always makes me happy to see young men who are not scared of small children. LJ has worked to help Merle enjoy Sundays. We appreciate his friendship and kindness. 
Lia knows no strangers and talks to anyone in the crowd she gets close to. Merle mostly followed her lead. Andy stayed close by me on my lap. The sale went quick and the men seemed to know what they wanted and what the market was for the day. 
At home I have been researching improving the gut biome and so decided to try some more sourdough bread the white kind. I'm still working on all the tips and tricks- I don't love crusty bread but I'm learning how long it has to be cooked to be sliceable. I made the kids wait for dinner this day we have never eaten the bread cooled down. I also succeeded with the kefir I tried making. Now to get it all drank in smoothies. 
I sure miss this lady. She is gone to track practice after school then has homework and bed earlier than normal as we are trying to keep her healthier than I. 
So that's a day. It is always good to go and discover what the kids love and to see them interact. Life is good.