Monday, March 11, 2024

3.11.24 A little outside work

In typical spring end of winter fashion some days are delightful sunny and inviting to go outside and do something. On one of those I took some time to prune the roses. These bushes provide brilliant fragrant blooms all summer long. They brighten this spot of the lawn and are a pet project for me. I was hestant to take them from bushes back to manageable plants but chop away we did. Bruce helped me glue the cut ends to prevent boars drilling into the wood and killing that limb. Millie reluctantly picked up ll the trimmings to haul away. 

Millie tried her hand at cutting and glueing as well. She is getting older and wiser so is ready to learn new skills. 

After a days work my winter hands looked like summer hands for a few hours. 

 And then it snowed again and it was ok to just look out the window again and plan the next project when the temperature gets over 50 and the wind stops. And then I was sick and the sun was just annoying and I just rested. So we are now loving sick kids and watching the days pass. There's time lots of time for all that has to be done. Life is good and we are blessed with peace and plenty on our farm. 

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