Tuesday, March 12, 2024

3.12.24 a busy day John, Andrea, Merle, Lia

In one short day... John went to Reburg for another round of auto  competition. 
This time he studied the whole way down and was refreshed on information that had challenged him before. 

He also had a cheerleader looking out for him and watching anxiously from the sidelines. Harold met him the night before and took him around campus to see the sights. 
Back at home something happened to Andrea and after not using her arm for hours and crying a lot I decided to rule out a broken arm and went to the doctors with her. She was calm alone in the room with me but with the doctor she was less trusting and more irritable. The right arm was the problem. She would not move it without discomfort or crying. The xrays showed no problems. So filling silly we recovered the other kids and headed home. I got sick that night after the kids went to bed. 
Lia enjoyed some pictures on my phone while I drove us all home. 

That evening Andrea finally go the nap she had been wanting all day. 
She slept the night in her bed and in the morning was still not using her arm. She fed herself with her left hand and while doing so fell out of her chair onto the ground onto her injured right arm. After settling down from that fall she could move her arm freely. Namely the bent action shown here which she would not do with out immediate crying prior to the second bump. I think the fall knocked her elbow back where it needed to go. Because she has been just fine since. Nice when it works so easy. 
Bruce realized he was only 12 points away from 100 in AR 2 weeks ago. He's been reading and reading working to get 100 points. This is him reading one more story to finish that goal. 
And 100 points gained!! He was so excited. I'm pleased with how he worked to make it happen. Reading is becoming easier and natural to him. He's a smart cookie with lots of helpers and inspiration ahead. I don't know that I've had a kid get 100 in first grade before. Maybe? He's got another quarter to gain more points so here he goes. 
Lia also started school work and needed some crayons to do the various colorings they ask for. She is excited to learn as well and knows a lot of the basics already. 
More John pictures from a different source. He's getting quite the pile of tools from all his winnings. 

 As always practice helps. This Sunday he spoke in church without much preparation but he gave an appropriate talk with confidence and poise. All that extemp practice and experience paid off and showed this week. He's become quite the able man. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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