Wednesday, March 27, 2024

3.25.24 Missionary and track

Addie really enjoys the fast races. This is the 800 she really kicked in and set a new PR. She unfortunately doesn't get to run them very often. 
A highlight of the event was a thrower 100 meter relay. John and Mark both participated on different teams. John was captured by the local sports writer. 
Alia loves to write to Aliza. This is one example. 

Aliza got to meet with the entire mission to hear Elder Cook and his wife for a training session. 
At the first track meet it was cold. My guys don't wear a lot of extra clothes. Thankfully we were sheltered a bit by the hillside of the Ontario track. But it was still cold. 
Mark throwing the shot put. Still working on form. 

Mark also threw the javelin. 
John threw in the dark. 

Addie was just a blur as she ran the 3000. I was on a date with Bruce for a mother-son activity put on by local stake primary. He was not a fan of the dancing and was most interested in redeeming his coupon for the kiwi loco. We went there and got frozen yogurt then headed to the track meet to stand in the blowing wind and watch and watch the meet crawl on. 
The seasons are changing and the skies are continuing to awe us with the beauty and varied colors. 

Monday mornings are a highlight getting to talk to Aliza I love the time to hear her voice and get to discuss the world with her. 
So life moves on measured in weeks and seconds. The kids keep busy with various activities, and we seek to be there and have the appropriate supplies. I'm thankful for each that is in our home. How did I deserve this? I'm so in awe of that responsibility and opportunity I have to be the mom to so many dynamic energetic kiddos. Now to work on the bike situation. All this energy needs and outlet. We have lots of bikes with an assortment of fix-it needs. Hopefully we can get our fix-it team to spend some time getting a few rideable. Life is good. 

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