Wednesday, March 13, 2024

3.13.24 Bull Sale day

We took a little field trip with Mark and Reed yesterday. My kids have attended and helped with the Romans Charlois Bull sale for years. This year I rode along with the young ones to see what the event looked like. Mark and Reed joined up with the partners' sons Will and LJ to evaluate bulls and bet which would sell for the most. 
A primary selling point for me is the many people who opened the gates and walked into the pen of 10 bulls to move them around and see them walk and interact. So many people were in those pens and there were no wild runs for safety or shouts of watch out. Of course, these were seasoned cattle people but the charlois temperament along with their fast muscling is why we run this breed. 
The big blue sky and wide open pastures make this a perfect picture of cattle country. We were impressed with he water flows in the cricks. Areas that are usually dry were running and the high mountains are white-topped. It's such a relief to start with water for the farming season. 

Apparently Dodge is the preferred brand of pickup for cattle people. Many came prepared to take their purchase home that day. I took these pictures to send to my kids away from home yet remembering their years of attendance.
The younger kids enjoyed the vows and horses and pop!
Merle is friends with LJ and they had a nice break looking through the show catalog picking the best bulls. 
It always makes me happy to see young men who are not scared of small children. LJ has worked to help Merle enjoy Sundays. We appreciate his friendship and kindness. 
Lia knows no strangers and talks to anyone in the crowd she gets close to. Merle mostly followed her lead. Andy stayed close by me on my lap. The sale went quick and the men seemed to know what they wanted and what the market was for the day. 
At home I have been researching improving the gut biome and so decided to try some more sourdough bread the white kind. I'm still working on all the tips and tricks- I don't love crusty bread but I'm learning how long it has to be cooked to be sliceable. I made the kids wait for dinner this day we have never eaten the bread cooled down. I also succeeded with the kefir I tried making. Now to get it all drank in smoothies. 
I sure miss this lady. She is gone to track practice after school then has homework and bed earlier than normal as we are trying to keep her healthier than I. 
So that's a day. It is always good to go and discover what the kids love and to see them interact. Life is good. 

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