Monday, March 18, 2024

3.18.24 Fermented Foods

For years I've been tired, lacking energy I wished I had, coupled with my continual hair loss I've been wondering what can be done. Of course, I didn't head to the doctor to wait and wait and donate more blood, but talked to my herbalist and got some ideas. She said I lacked minerals and that my body was not digesting or absorbing the foods I eat. This has been constant for 8+years. I take various supplements for a while then stop and try living without vitamins and herbal mixes. Well after the latest call back to the handful of pills I started investigating other ideas too. Fermented food is supposed to really help heal the gut and thus detox the liver which when not working right has symptoms like stubborn weight, hair loss, and lack of energy. I figured this was an easy try. I've been dabbling in sourdough mostly for the cost savings for a few years. My family still loves leavened bread but they eat the weekly sourdough offering as well. Earlier this year we found an even more simple recipe of just water, salt, starter and flour. It's easy but making it a day or so ahead is a challenge for me. 
Yet with the supposed cure for my hair loss, I was ready to try harder. So we've been enjoying lots of sourdough products. Bread, waffles, and pancakes. I also decided to try kefir. Or fermented milk which is so much cheaper than buying digestive enzymes or pro and pre-biotics for the guts. It's like yogurt without the controlled heat. 
Reed offered to take a pie for math class on pi day. Coconut cream is always in season and always a crowd favorite. He does smile sometimes just not for photographs.  
I saw the weekend deals were good at the local grocery store and sent Greg for some strawberries.  I mentioned bacon was on sale and he might get a box. He brought home 4. He's literally so good at always bringing home the bacon for his hungry family.
The girls worked on preparing the strawberries for storage and jam. Andrea ate all she could that evening. We each have a way to contribute and that was hers. 
The sourdough biscuits. Half the butter and no shortening I call that a major savings. I loved them. I grew up with light soft biscuits. The recipe the kids have been using is more crisp. They will adjust. 
And a loaf of our sourdough. I don't love flour on my lips when I eat bread nor do my teeth love crust so this is where we are at. Soft chewy bread. That disappears in about 10 minutes. Even making two loaves at a time there are no leftovers. I tried wholewheat for half the flour today we shall see what the kids think of that. 

 Life Is good there is so much to try and learn. I'm thankful for the time to try. I'm thankful for a family to feed and for their ability to process so many tries. I am so blessed. 

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