Friday, May 10, 2024

5.10.24 A full spring day

After busy weeks and the kids being gone the entire day we work and work all weekend trying to make up for lost time and to get where we need to be on the ways we make our living. The kids continue to have extra plans. One of those last weekend was another prom for John. When did prom move into similar extravagance to weddings of the 80's and 90's? Full photo shoots etc. Anyway, he had a good time with his friend Ashley. 
Addie rushing to get ready for another track meet. This day in Baker where she would have competition. She's top of the district and so usually runs alone it has been a quest to find people to run with and faster than her this year. They are definitely out there but not always at the meets she's at. The boys headed the other direction to Burns to throw the same day. 
I found a large run of dry dead weeds so Bruce and I went to burn them. It is so satisfying watching them disappear in the fire. The wind really helped this day. 

Sometimes this is my view of home. I enjoy this and don't as I imagine what is and is not happening in that home. Even here it is a constant struggle to get kids to help and keep up with all the stuff that has to be done and managed. 
After a long day of working, I was not happy to come home to no dinner. The kids were thrilled with Krustez waffles. I warmed up some other left overs for the field workers. 

The one picture I took of John from prom. He arrived safely home. Phew! 
Pictures before the dance. They again went bowling and to dinner. John and Mark don't have a lot of practice time so they bowl under 100 but it's fun to be with friends and to try different activities. 

 And that's another long couple days of living. I told John today that his graduation present was getting to spend so much time with friends for the last three months of his senior year. It has been very challenging managing schedules and responsibilities with our varsity farm team gone. June is also full. We are managing and it is what it is. I assume in the fall when the harvest can come off slower we will also be thankful. Life is good and we are so blessed. 

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