Wednesday, May 15, 2024

5.15.24 John senior day

 This week is intense for so many reasons the busyness of it not helping to instill calm. I knew this event was happening but like most things this day no one had set a date or time. So it was a surprise to get this text asking if the information was ok to post. These two ladies not in legion attire have inspired, challenged, encouraged, and helped my family become. In the Yellow Diana Mendiola a teacher's aide, playground monitor, and new librarian. She worked with me to help my kids who struggled and weren't sure of their abilities. From alphabet to algebra she's been there to aid their growth. She is tough and firm, yet believes in student's ability to do what is asked. She is patriotic, and kind. I appreciate her insights and eyes on the ground so to speak. We rejoice together in the growth of the kids that have struggled. 

The lady in shades is the infamous Mrs. Kim Worley. She is dynamic and firm as well. She is a superb teacher who demands a lot from her students but also has broken writing and thinking into micro chunks that develop in 4 years into proficient, thoughtful, and entertaining writers. For some of my kids, this has been a fun challenge, for others, it is sheer drudgery. But they are all developing the skills to communicate both orally and in writing. These are critical pieces of literacy. It's hard to think and work at higher levels, yet so important. Both of these ladies' traditions, concern, and standards have stretched my kids and made them more prepared for their life ahead. We were happy to have the American Legion give them recognition coins for helping Addie prepare for her speaking competition. 

A quick mention of losing my glasses this day. I could find them nowhere my seeing kids could see them nowhere. I was panicked and so worried. I dug through the garbage and made a hopeful call to the optometrist. No appointments until next week. I had to use contacts which thankfully I had but I knew I couldn't endure them for the long weekend ahead. Thankfully later in the day in between events, I uncovered them. That was a huge blessing to have my easy-on-the-head glasses back in my possession.
The next event after booking reservations, making calls to find out amenities, and working on daily responsibilities here was the high school awards assembly. Mark got an award for being able to debate his way out of anything from Mrs. Steele. His friend Jeb was the master of ceremonies and held the prize bag. 

When I walked in I looked around for a seat and saw John sitting alone in a row of his own at the back of the gym. I asked if I could sit by him he agreed and we enjoyed visiting throughout the 3-hour ordeal. He was recognized for lifting over 1000 pounds. He lifted 495 deadlift, 305 bench, and 400 + squat. That's a lot of weight. He really enjoys the challenge and success of that class. I really enjoyed sitting close to my son who quietly lives his life doing what he enjoys and dreaming big. He was pretty dirty and greasy in the back because he had been in the auto shop working to solve problems on a go-cart he has been creating. Using scrap parts he has been working to make a functional buggy of sorts. He has always loved to dream, create, and tinker. This was not a surprise. Maybe he will get it to run before he leaves on his mission. The slide show was an emotional meltdown. As I had been sitting there torn over the time the awards were taken John said you can just go, I realized no I need to be here with you. I have missed so many events and moments with you I need to be here. 
It's really hard to choose the right place to be with so many people in our family. To weigh who needs parents most. John has often been alone, he didn't complain and did well without our presence. But my heart hurt wishing I could be with him knowing the many others at home needed direction and presence too. So these few hours we spent were a last effort to recognize John in our family and just be his mom. 
While in the awards assembly, an email came that the Seminary graduation would be that same evening. Thankfully after the already-scheduled football meeting. I attended that, paid the necessary dues, registered Reed and Mark, and moved on. John and I headed to the graduation leaving Greg working because so many people just talk and talk wanting his attention. We had a nice drive over again just basking in these senior moments. 
Sitting alone surrounded by couples and families it was odd, but ok. I was frantically texting Addie begging her to locate the needed graduation gown that was not where I remembered it should be. 
At the end of the program, John said the prayer asking for Heaven's help for peace and guidance for all graduates embarking on their lives. We took photos and moved on. 
This is his friend Ashton. They met at Trek and other summer church camps. Aston has been a good friend to John. 
The Vale seminary class graduates. More good friends who encouraged, and walked the walk, and shared the growing up years. 
Tj Trowell, Walker Philipps, John, Diesel Johnson, Brian Wolfe, Brogan Payne, Harley Belnap, Lia Jensen

After the program, we went to eat. Travel, change, and excessive to-do list makes my stomach a fire of indigestion. Eating has been sporadic and challenging this week. But I knew I had to eat and still trying to give attention and love to this Senior guy we headed to the meager offerings nearby. We ended up at the A & W. My oldest called and wanted to talk so I left John to order. He misunderstood and got me a spicy burger. When  I saw the order I told him there was no way I could eat that could he? After the first bite he picked off the 15 jalapenos and worked his through a warmer burger than he liked. He treated us to milkshakes as well which was the saving grace to the spicy burger. We talked and ate. thankfully my stomach accepted the meal and was fine in the hours thereafter. 
He is a polite thoughtful escort. It was nice to be taken care of and to learn about what's going on with him. 

At home after some cryptic emoji's to specific questions to Aliza- she can't respond in words- I looked in a few more places and found the robes!!! I was so relieved. This is John trying it on. 

Even though this was an emotionally hard day it was dotted almost hourly with tender mercies of things working out. Addie's license came so she has the real ID for travel. Finding the robe, being with John at the assembly so he wasn't alone again. All the things we need for our trip working nicely and more economically than I worried. We are blessed, even though this week is physically very hard it is also so so good. I'm thankful for the family I have, with them is the best place to be. We are so very blessed with a good life. 

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