Wednesday, May 1, 2024

5.1.24 Owyhee Field days

Owyhee field days is a great day of learning and experience. New to me this year were the draft horses. I got these pictures from Livy's teacher. The caption said "She was in love."

There are so many different presentations and activities. The kids get a wide variety of educationshared by FFA students and professionals from various conservation, and or agricultural partners. 
Mark and Addie served there for two days. Here Mark is teaching about streams. 
Millie panned for gold and was thrilled to fine two bits of gold that she has in a vile. 
In art class they painted horses. I'm amazed at how Livy's paintings always have life. Millie enjoyed the experience too and is developing her own creative style. 
Andrea rode with me for a while in the tractor. We got left over lunch bags from the field day complete with cookies and gold fish kids were happy for those. 
When Merle rode he fell asleep thankfully I had some soft things for him to lay on. He generally takes a nap when he rides with me or Mark. 
A sister said Anna looked a lot like MArk so we took a picture to compare. Yes, they definitely look like siblings. Mark is such a goon. And hungry when he finally comes home. 
Andrea did her hair complete with gel one evening. 
And she likes to help me cook right here where she can really see. We made a lot of french bread on Saturday like 4 batches or 8 loaves for prom and here. 
Andrea also really likes to play with John. 

He was thrilled with his new shirt from Auto Skills. He 95% of the time wears grey or black so this vibrant orange was a surprise. He was all spiffed up ready for his big prom date. He is shown waiting for Mark who was setting the GPS line on the corn planter. Thankfully their dates were patient and didn't mind their tardiness. 
It's so nice to be outside more, even with the cooler spring we really are enjoying time to do new activities. I'm thankful to be able to see activities the kids enjoy even though I'm not there. And I'm so thankful for the great Owyhee Field days that gives my older kids a chance to serve, (Addie was in an otter costume one day no picture of that though). And the younger ones a chance to think about all the different things that happen because we have secure water systems in the area. The desert is miserable without water. We are blessed. 

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