Friday, May 17, 2024

5.17.24 Family, Farming, & Zoo

This past weekend was a rare phenomena of being able to view the northern lights at our southern location. I missed the first night due to work and life but on Saturday night I went out after dark to check them out. I was enjoying the stars and quiet when the crew came to find me. They asked what are you doing? I said listening to the quiet looking at the sky. They said what quiet why the sky, why would you do that. Oh the irony. I took a picture of my crew chattering through the quiet. 
This made me laugh that's about how I saw the northern lights. I did not. 
But I saw some of this and that brings peace. Getting the job started. For my birthday I planted corn, pulled weeds, weed whacked, and rowed out corn. 

Very slowly I made the water rows for the corn. I'm so thankful for the pivots. These flood irrigated fields offer wonderful perspective on how marvelous pivots really are. 

Afton and Bruce enjoyed a day at the zoo with their classmates. 

Teachers shared these pictures. They had a great time. 

 Life goes fast with many responsibilities each day. At the end of the day I reluctantly went with Greg to get some new pivot tires. The three youngest rode along we sang primary songs on the way there and most of the way back. We use to do that all the time with the older kids we don't much anymore. But it was very enjoyable and soothing for all. The man we got the tires from is 91 years old alone and so lonely. He's got a great mind for solving problems and a mostly healthy body. I was once again reminded that even though life is too full right now it is a blessing. 

I'm thankful for the abundance that is mine. I pray for peace and calm. Work helps manage the nerves and as we day by day live life works out. Life is good. 

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