Thursday, May 2, 2024

5.2.24 Prom

On top of a few already documented events, Prom was last week. Mark asked his date while her family was gathered for family prayer. He arrived with a bucket of ice cream and sprinkles asking if he could be the sprinkle on top of her day by asking her to prom? Or something like that. The whole family watched and then enjoyed ice cream. The dad later texted how impressed he was. The mom told me she didn't realize what was happening or the family would have cleared out. Coming from a big family and knowing that may be going on Mark didn't mind. I told the parents I thought it was good for siblings to see and a fun family experience. 
The next day John's date asked him with a poster if he would give her a "shot" and "Discus" prom with her? Play on words for the track skills he's learning. He said yes. I really prefer the boys do the asking but modern girls sometimes don't let young men be men, preferring to take charge. 
They went bowling and had dinner at the Jensen family home. John loves lasagna so I made a pan and Mrs. Jensen made a pan. I also sent several loaves of french bread. Millie made part of that as I had to go run for parts, leaving her with a video and rising dough. Her bread turned out fine. 
Their group was large about 14 kids. Pictures cost a lot and all were in agreement the pictures the mom's took were good enough. 

As I passed Johns's date in the hall Sunday I was surprised how tall she was. I asked if she was wearing stilts? She said no but showed me her shoes. I was so surprised I asked to take a picture. She said ok. The boys told me later she danced and moved around all night on those super wedges. Wow, I would have surely broken my ankle. 
Mark's date Sariah was known as the smartest kid in her class until Mark showed up in high school. They are friends and in a few upper classes together. She's an elegant young lady who was excited to get to dance with Mark. He danced with her and several other girls at prom. The new principal worked on the music expectations and there was more diversity and less garbage music at the dance thus allowing for more participation from everyone not just mosh pit and grinding. 

 Another memory in the books. These years of boys have spoiled me in the extreme preparation for a date. Two different young men asked if they could ask Addie to go. She is not 16 yet so I told them to please ask again next year. There are several nice young men I hope she gets to go on a date with. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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