Thursday, May 16, 2024

5.16.24 District track

Weaving through life this spring has been a very full track season. Going in the coach set a goal of winning the district boys and girls title. John and Mark went to almost all of the practices and meets which is 50% more than I envisioned at the start. They worked and learned and enjoyed the new challenge and time with friends. Last weekend John and ADdie packed up for a two-day experience in Boardman. After a lot of time and waiting spurts of competing they came away victorious. 
The visionary and dedicated coaching staff. There were 70+ athletes on the team this year. That's a lot of kids to teach. These guys got it done and created many outstanding individuals. 
Paul Bentz head coach, Scott Kelso throwing, Morgan Harrison jumping, not sure, Kami Hawkins hurdles running, Mary Chamberlain distance, Mr. Dotson Pole Vault. These people give so many hours teaching and training kids. 

John only participated in shot put. But he hit his goal of 40' which placed him in a tie for 4th overall. 

My friends sent pictures and videos for which I was grateful. It is super hard to miss but the farming must happen. 
Addie was a minute ahead of all her competition both times. Her friend surprisingly got 2nd so they both qualified for state. I'm happy for both of them. 
Addie loves to run and it is great she is finding so much success in that choice. 
More cool pictures of John. 

Day 1 report
Addie on the podium. She looks good on the top. 

Att he end when all the tallying the teams dominated in a big way shown by the points accumulated.. 

Back at home, we were happy to have a once-a-day excursion to the neighbors to feed and play with their animals. The kids really enjoyed the trampoline and outdoor playstation. 

We attended a lovely outdoor wedding reception. The bride is the youngest of 9 and said she had always been so bored at her sibling's reception so she wanted this to be fun for the kids. The mechanical bull kept young and old entertained and engaged for the hour we were there. 
After a lot of competition, the results were tallied and the teams were in fact the champions. 
The distance running crew! 

 Memories right now these kids are banking memories. I told John this is our gift to you three more months of travel and time with friends. Happy senior year. Addie won the 3000, the 1500, and the 4x400 where she was pulled in at the last ten minutes prior to the race. The kids were struggling with heat exhaustion so different team members were substituted to continue the races (prior to starting not during the races). Addie loves the relay. She ran the first leg which is not her normal spot, but the team won by a clear margin and more points were added to the running total. 

She rolled out this morning for state track. We will again not be there but cheering for her from home and thankful she has so many opportunities and such a good community of parents, coaches, and friends who support and watch over her. We are blessed with a Good life. 

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