Thursday, May 22, 2014

5.19.14 Around the Farm

This weekend we finished planting potatoes. The kids had planted 50lbs of seed last weekend but it just didn't feel like enough so we planted some more this weekend.

There are so many valuable lessons from gardening. Working together, attitude adjustments, you get what you work for, patience, perseverance, endurance, and good old fresh air and dirt! How thankful I am my children are able to learn these skills from a master teacher. She has a knack for turning frowns upside down. The soil was much nicer to start with this year. Soft and easy enough for the kids to dig.
The rains have continued to come in a decent amount each week. We are thankful.

After the garden and working at other places the two older girls and I went to get pedicures. This is not an all the time thing. Last year at the family reunion Allison insisted on rubbing my feet while I nursed my baby to sleep one night. I had never had another person really rub my feet and was hesitant. She insisted and it was a heavenly gift of service and kindness. That memory stayed with me and I may have mentioned it more than 5 times in the vicinity of my sweet daughter. Well she began rubbing my feet at night while we were reading scriptures as a family. Then of course my other kids had to join in and it became a kind-of routine.
As I was pondering what I could give her that she would enjoy and wouldn't be more stuff to try to tolerate in our house when I heard again about the joys of pedicures. I booked an appointment at the beauty college and off we went.
It was not quite what I expected. The girls were very impressed. Anna said it was the best ever mostly because we were together. She really enjoyed listening to the beauticians. I love meeting new people and finding out about them. I hope that it is teaching my children to be engaging and brave in talking to others. 

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