Thursday, May 29, 2014

5.26.14 Memorial Day Fun

I love Memorial Day. Since I can remember we have went to decorate graves. As per the laws of the earth and heavens there are more and more family and friends to remember and bedeck with flower each year. My talented grandmother has a large flowery yard. She prepares over 20 bouquets to place on the many gravesites of our family and friends. I think this is a very important tradition to teach my children. I love hearing the short stories about these important people. And spending some quite time thinking about how they impacted my life and wondering what I can do to emulate the good they shared.  It's also just plain pretty and fun to hunt for that one stone or visit with neighbors that are doing the same things.

The last two years we took the opportunity to also help prepare the cemetery by placing the flags and crosses on the veterans graves. This has been a good chance for my family to get some perspective on the many people who served them in the past. It's also pretty.
We have been fortunate to listen to the veternas memorial program at the cemetart complete with 21 gun salute and taps. This year a 19 year old enlisted army  kid was there. Chilling to realize that so many burried there were his age or close to it when their vibrant life ended. Made it more real than I have really comprehended in the past.

The annual Corn family picnic follows the commemoration. We hear some history we gorge on good food and my dad does a hay ride. This year as the kids continue to get more mature they are taking turns driving the tractor. They had a great time and many HUGE smiles when they came driving into the yard showing their new found skills.

It's so fun to watch the kids become friends as they grow. These two were just sitting dreaming and scheming. Trouble and Awesomeness combine.

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