Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5.21.14 our Barnyard

Last night I got my birthday wish. All I wanted this year was my super handy husband to give me his time fixing up our barnyard. There were various fences to mend, animals to be dealt with and a few other items I just don't want to do. While I appreciate the animals and all the benefits- eggs outside my door, bacon and sausage, and roast beef and hamburger it is outside my scope of skills. My grandmother wisely counseled don't do everything or you will have to do everything. Good advice. And nowadays just trying to keep the kitchen clean, the food staples in the house and the little ones semi content seems to be all I get to.

So we had a fun family night of working together, sharing some not daily experiences and loving having our strong skilled dad around to teach us how things should be done.

Monday night we had loaded up pigs to take to town.
See all the helpers. Discovered we could keep Livy dressed by zipping her into her clothes. Lots of observation and learning. No one got slopped. Phew they would still be living outside. Pigs are odorous!

Reed had it in his mind that this meant Grandpa and Grandma should go with mom to deliver the pigs. Sometimes Lloyd takes them. One time I sent Reed with money in his pocket to buy Grandpa a hamburger. Well this really  made an impression on Reed so he demanded that was how it should be done this time. Because we had another good soaking rainstorm (2 weekends in a row now!!) I gamely asked if grandpa and grandma could go. They agreed and we three adults and 4 kids headed to town. It was not usual for us super busy adults to all go on one trip that any of us could have managed alone. But it was nice to hear stories, enjoy extra hands, and take a lesson from my son. Slowing down and making some memories is better than being super efficient, and less stressful! I appreciate grandparent interactions and the great memories my kids are getting from their devoted and delightful grandparents.

However this created a problem, no piggies at our house. That was quickly remedied by getting some weener pigs from our supplier. But there is quite a size difference and thus containment issues with little pigs and big pigs. Greg's attention was sorely needed to keep a happy wife. He had a great helper who was thrilled to have found Pink cowgirl boots. She is a funny duck that loves her daddy. 

We needed more tools and supplies to fix the pig pen and headed to the farm to find what we needed. We found the crew getting ready to load up some yearling heifers to come to our abundant pasture. It was not a stellar cow night but in the end the job got mostly done. The kids continue to get better and better and more confident managing cows. 

Grandpa has great skill in patiently loading animals for slaughter. It is good to learn perseverance from one who is a master teacher. Learn wisdom in thy youth...  Grandma is a great crew boss helping teach us all how to get the job done.

Aliza was very tired from a field trip and stayed home with this one. Aliza was asleep but Millie was loving a good soaking snuggle session from a favorite sister. She was all smiles resuling from all the time just being held.

As per usual turn of events we moved on to fixing pasture fence, finishing pig pen, and killing roosters.  We probably should have turned in after the cows were turned in but we have had 8 roosters that are getting too Cocky...ha-ha! Seriously though cock fighting chasing the hens too much etc. And what good are 8 roosters besides eating lots and being noisy? Not much. So we took care of the problem and killed and skinned some roosters. Of course no one could go to bed so we were up very late. I'm bracing myself for the final clean to get them roasting. Fried chicken of old was no easy task. We are so spoiled just grabbing it at the store completely dead, skinned, de-boned, even marinated if we choose. 
Each boy took a turn 'harvesting' chickens. Livy was very curious

Getting to the meat. John plucked, I don't like skin so I instructed them just to skin em' down.

Technically this is called dressing a chicken. Many a city housewife new to the country would ask for undressed chickens and get a feathery mess instead of a clean meaty bird.

Chickens are docile at night making them much easier to work with. Hence the need for a flashlight.

The girls were adamant that they watch. They didn't touch but observed the process.
Just another night on the farm. I love living in the country. I can't quite capture how full my heart is of the good feelings of camaraderie and shared purpose. We are a team, a family team, an eternal family. Of that I'm sure and humbly thankful. Now to further dress my cocky meat. Have a great day!

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