Tuesday, May 6, 2014

5.6.14 Mini MTC Mother-Son Activity

I had a rare opportunity to go with my 4 sons to a mother son activity. Rare because there are few activities for mothers and sons and rare to have so many sons to escort. I love my boys. I love getting to expereince life with so many different personalities.
Quick example before I start: Took John and Mark to cash paycheck from working for neighbor. They were musing over how to spend their money, I suggested they could buy me a mother's day present. I recounted the recent add for Sherry's Berries and flowers for only $40.00. John said, "No way! I need to spend my money on me...!" Mark thought a minute and said "that's a lot, do you want anything different?" So cute I just wanted to hug Mark, but was driving so I didn't, but he got a hug when we got home.
So back to tonight we visited my parent's ward and feasted on a fun activity.

They started off with a sign in and pictures of mothers with sons. Then we were treated to a quick talk from a recently returned missionary who bore a powerful and quick testimony of needing to be ready to follow Christ when he calls. That we should strive to be like His apostles who left their boats and nets and immediately followed. We then divided into groups one to make their mini-pizzas and begin the clothing care/sewing with needle and thread class, and the other group to learn how to tie a tie, shake hands and do a door approach.  Most of the kids went to the elders to learn how to tie the tricky but much sharper 'double windsor' knot. Harold knows this from his dad and whipped his up before all the boys got there.

He has lots of practice as he ties his own a few brothers ties each Sunday. Obviously we need to get John and Mark going on some better self-reliance.

I love all the faces caught in the pictures. My sister-in-law wins the super mom award she knew the way and got a spiffy tie whipped up in no time. I did not.

We shook hands and practiced introducing ourselves. Then the boys were taken to 4 closed doors in the church. Behind each door was a person with whom the boys were to introduce themselves. Reed was shy and did not talk but his cousin came with him and while he forgot what he was supposed to say, I whispered in his ear and he repeated his introduction. They were a companion team, I guess.

Harold knocked on the door my mom was at. He did his introduction and she told him she was busy right now but he could come back later.

John got the door slammed in his face.

Mark got invited in and was asked lots of questions. The people reported that when they asked "Why he was on a mission?  He replied, "So I can help people get blessings too!" And when asked if he prayed every night he said, "Yes." Oh my mother heart just about bursts with love for these people in my home.

After that we headed to make our mini pizzas. The boys thought that was way cool. Biscuit dough topped with red sauce, cheese, pepperoni, olives,ham, pineapple. Easy, and the boys were so impressed.

On to the sewing class. A dear friend who has lived all over the world shared that she had fixed many many pairs of mission pants after elders had split them out. So the boys were practicing sewing a seam "that wouldn't show their underwear. No one wants to see that!" I think some boys were learning the definition of eternal torment, but it was good for them. Some boys obviously knew their stuff. Harold was very proud of his sewing skills. (When we got home Anna said I can sew on a machine, we reminded her you don't tote a sewing machine around on your mission, and you need to know how to sew with needle and thread too.)

We enjoyed our mini pizzas and sharing our success with the various stations. It was a nice evening where the boys were able to learn a bit, feel the spirit, think a little more about the great times that are ahead, and hopefully become more committed to being ready to serve when the time comes. I have been impressed with the warm inviting spirit that accompanies missionary work. Prior to some recent experiences it made me nervous even nauseous to think of being a missionary, but I can testify that it is easy and good to share as Mark said "getting blessings" with others.

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