Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5.26.14 Last Week of school

 We survived another year of school. This was easily our best year. School, friends, schedules etc just went well. It was fun and filled with growth, excitement, and goodness.

This young man is one of the reasons for Aliza's amazing academic success. When she started at willowcreek she was a middle of the road student. Doing okay but not really standing out in any other way than being a great helper with the other students. This young man was breaking all records set in reading. He is fun, kind, and a hard worker. The teachers all praise him as being an amazing reader and learner. Aliza's heart began to burn with competition desire. She realized she could also be a great reader. She struggled in math but reading she could do. She taught herself to speed read, she learned the AR system and she read! No Harry Potter's not much fantasy but just about everything else. Well these two shattered all the school records that included students up to 8th grade. They are displaying the new plaque that has been added to the school collection. They have both know read 2500 points worth of literature and are hoping to get to 3000 by the end of the summer. Competition and reward is a great thing when used creatively. Harold was 2nd highest in his class after this young man. They are great friends and I am very appreciative of his example of gracious living and loving friendship.
She also won the highest badge earning math student. For the kid that struggled so much last year I was amazed and so grateful for her work and breakthrough. I am thankful for teachers who work with the students individually to help them recognize their talents and blast throw their weaknesses.
 The last day of school is filled with a community potluck and field games with teachers and parents. I love the warm feeling of friendship and love that abounds at these events. I love the realization of the school that it takes all of us working together to achieve success. There are senior citizens not related, young families, teachers and their families, and lots of happy kids on these days. It is good.
Our papoose Millie. Those baby backpacks are the best way to manage little people at big functions. She even fell asleep on Greg's back. She was happy to watch all the action.
Harold copying the Warrior on his new Willowcreek for the next year.

Anna displaying her award for 4.0 and highest reader. She has come a long way too. From a shy 1st grader that lacked reading confidence to a fun compassionate friend and music loving teenager! No more elementary school for her!!

The boys enjoying some free time. Sprinklers are great and tempting on hot days. These two are clowns and best friends. Siblings are such a blessing
The kids came home with unopened boxes of crayons, paints and markers. While I was dismayed at the lack of use, I decided we could fix that. So we have had art projects the last couple days. The kids are very creative and have their own styles. Interestingly different. http://www.artprojectsforkids.org/ is our guide. Lots of ideas.

Poor Livy is relying on the doorbell to meet her 'let me in the house needs.'  It's always hard to readjust to the faster paced big kids. She is really enjoying their fun games though. She is a very adaptive independent trooper.

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