Monday, May 5, 2014

5.5.14 Another Busy Weekend or DUTY!

We are sure good at "doing nothing." See the post for a fill-in on that joke. "If we are to walk with our heads held high we must make our contribution to life... We will leave the world richer and better, than if we had not lived." Thomas S. Monsen. Duty what we are expected to do or be.. what I am listening to as I make this post. Hmm direct revelation. I think so.
This weekend we celebrated my Grandma Corn's 80th birthday.
I love this lady. Her praise and unfailing devotion and love have given me courage and strength. She has soothed my troubled soul, taught me style and kindness and what enduring to the end really means. She loves to read and learn, she is kind and patient. She is not afraid of hard things or changes in life. I am so blessed to have claim on her as a grand daughter. It was a great party. Full of friends and family. A testament to the power of living a kind life.

As is my bad habit I double booked the day. We needed to participate in a community service project so volunteered to be colorers at the local color run. It was fun and BUSY! I often wonder how things would turn out if my crew was not there to do their part? Less color I guess. We showed up in time to play in the park while the organizers got the race marked. We then got some instruction on how to color people and took the little girls to the tennis match with Aunt Alena and headed to our post. We tossed color from paper cups, used mustard bottles to squirt it, and water guns to puff it. We learned the cups were most effective for dispersing color. We were pink and purple when we were done. It was fun over 200 runners to get 2x.

Addie on her second trip across the monkey bars. Wow that's strong!

Getting our color spreaders ready. We were excited!!

Are they ever coming? Pre-race we were covered by the end

Protective eye wear. So cool.

Professional pictures from the race to get a feel for the action of coloring!


Same kids 2010. Wow how the time flies. Just cuz' you have many doesn't make it any easier to watch them grow up. I'm so thankful for each and everyone I get to have in my home. I love being a mom!

Sunday night we took a quick spin on the four wheeler after 3 years of it being broken. I ran it out of oil literally. Oops. I don't generally worry about mechanical things here for obvious reasons. But I did break it and it has been a long time in getting fixed. The kids are quite a bit bigger now requiring multiple trips and mom staying home to get them all rode around. Harold keeps coming up with ideas of places he and Anna could go to help me out. He's so thoughtful!
Addie is apparently the only one noticing I'm taking pictures.

Millie getting ready for her first ride. She of course loved it.

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