Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9.2.14 Pinocchio

Last Summer we read the story Pinocchio- the children's classic not the Disney knock-off. I was happily suprised that it was a great read. Many great lessons about obedience, kindness, and staying focused on doing what you should. I highly recommend that book. The kids were also highly captivated and really enjoyed it. It had been a long time since we had watched the Disney version so they weren't too polluted with other ideas. I always thought the movie was very scary. The book, however was entertaining and very instructive.

So this summer when the children's theater announced they would be producing Pinocchio the kids were excited. We were again blessed by a kind neighbor who agreed to hire them to help her with her yard and housework to help them fund the experience. I was as excited about that opportunity as them having the play experience. They thoroughly enjoyed both.
The solider furthest to the right with orange shoe laces. He was so smiley every time he came on stage. I was really surprised he wanted to participate but he had a great time and did great.

John front and center in the green. He was getting sick so this was a rough day for him but he did great and really enjoyed the week. Working on his reluctance to be in front of people.

Aliza (in the purple) had a great time. She still sings all the songs from the play. They had minimal speaking parts and little responsibility for learning entire songs but she has a knack for music and has continued to serenade us with some of those tunes.

Harold a willing participant who loves to be one stage. And yes that is a girl standing next to him. Harold was shocked by the hair, it's that young man's parents who demand it stay long?!
A word about the play. It was delightful the director and main character were the managers... Wow talk about energy, patience, and organization. Very impressed that would be one hard gig but they pulled it off and the kids really enjoyed the experience. I was most impressed with the costuming. It was so versatile and yet very much applicable. So awesome how creative some people are.

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