Thursday, July 17, 2014

6.17.14 Ring a Rosie

One of the best things of having lots of siblings, as in Greg and I, is our younger siblings have taught our children some good traditions. My sisters were great at playing ring a round the Rosie with Anna, Harold, and Aliza. Every Sunday night during family home evening they would play Rosie's and London Bridge. The kids loved it!

Now fast forward about 10 years and we have another 2 year old who loves Rosie's. Livy sings the Rosie song, and her siblings I'm happy to report play the Rosie game with her. Even Millie is in on the action. So forgive the blurry shots it was action photography via cell phone.


the Rosie's

All fall down. While they regained their balance Anna read a story.

Then they were off again with a different leader. Ringing around as Rosie's falling down and then jumping back up. Love that Millie is getting in on the action too and that the older kiddo's are willing to play.

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