Saturday, January 10, 2015

1.10.15 O Tannenbaum- Hail the Christmas Tree!

Last Christmas post I think. Millie is starting to make those funny faces that are so common, I've learned, in 18 month old to 3 year old kiddos. I thought years ago that my younger brother had taught Harold this trick, but I've learned it's just a stage.

She thinks she's so funny.
Mark and John were the tree helpers this year. They are shaking the dry needles off the tree before bringing it into the house.

The little girls found something else to occupy their time while we worked on detangling lights and making sure the tree was mostly straight up in the bucket of rocks we anchor it in. We bought these beauties at the scout auction last year. Love them, and so thankful the maker gave us two for the price of one.

We were privileged to have Aunt Brenda with us this night. She also helped control the chaos and is the norm with having company helped us keep the fighting to a dull roar.

 Because we couldn't decide who would put the star on the tree we let Aunt Brenda do it because she had never had that experience. It was a gracious act of sharing and stopped a difficult choosing for mom and dad.

And finally a family photo of our successful decorating night!

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