Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1.14.15 My sidekicks

The break was so nice because we everyone home. The big kids are so good with the little kids. It has been a hard adjustment to have them gone. The little kids do things like this during the day.

She has stopped taking naps and thus gets into all kinds of mischief while I get some much needed sleep. She is also learning to clean up some of her messes.

Reed is a good ring leader and Millie is showing that she likes to clean up and have responsibilities too.

And most of all they love being together. I think it would be way hard to take care of just one, I would have to do a lot more playing. As it is I referee, provide food, and instruct. Family is a good place to be.

At Christmas we had lots of visitors. One cousin has a bad habit of biting, he reached out for Millie and got her good right below the eye. It didn't slow Millie down much but it sure looked awful for a couple weeks. She was ready to go out with the kids to sled. She and Livy rode on the 4 wheeler with Greg they had a great time.

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