Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1.7.15 Sleepy Dad

We keep long hours here. My husband says it's the result of being the oldest son up with is mom before day break and out late as his dad's helper into the wee hours of the night. I thought before I married him I had lots of energy and stamina but am learning through the years I am very mortal compared to his amazing ability to go all the time- day in and day out year after year. But sometimes he wears out. Mostly because he is quiet for a minute or two. I caught these one Sunday as he dutifully listened to Addie read. Or Addie read him to sleep. I love the kids all over.
Note that the kids are not restful I love the pulled ear, climbing and squirming. What a great Dad!

Actually to be fair he usually looks like this when home with his kids. He is happy to have them on his lap, sharing his supper and loving their time with him. I'm so thankful for this great man who loves being a dad and who takes very seriously his responsibility to take care of us. He's a great guy, even if he falls asleep in the lions den!
Disclaimer all those clothes are clean waiting to be sorted to go to respective kids. Livy is getting her shoulder ride. Amazing she's big enough to demand a ride and the bigger ones are way too big to get a turn anymore. Time flies when they are all around.

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