Friday, January 23, 2015

1.23.15 Learning and Accomplishing

I have some friends who are very concerned about our upcoming arrival. I have to report that this is the most prepared I have ever been. I've been working with the kids for years to learn cooking, cleaning, and cooperation. They are getting pretty good at all of these skills. Each has different strengths and responsibilities. It is an amazing and comforting thing to watch them when we are working as a team.
A skill of major importance to the dad here is the making of pies. We have a pretty accomplished young lady who is filling his need for lots of pie, often!

These two were delighted with their aprons at Christmas. I thought they were so cute. Of course they are too busy and quick to put on an apron when they are busy making messes/cooking with me, but they are cute when we get them on. They work great to cover church clothes on Sunday mornings when we are trying to get breakfast in and get out the door.

They are also learning and succeeding in school. There are days when I wring my hands and hold my weary head in my hands wondering how in the world we will survive their educational experiences. Today was a payday. The kids had their 2nd qtr awards assembly. 4 out of 5 got awards. Mark, John and Aliza got awards for being top readers. Addie got an award for being an eager outstanding learner. This means that she is ready and eager to learn each day and is mastering the school experience. She is a hard worker and struggles to not have all the experiences of the 5 siblings ahead of her. I keep reminding her that they didn't do what she does at her age. It's hard to be so competitive and have such an age disadvantage.

It's funny how different each of these kiddos are and their approaches to life. Aliza refuses to let anyone beat her. No matter the odds or difficulty she works and works to be the top top dog! She is outdoing all of the students by about 2x over. She is the first student a 5th grader, to reach 3500 AR points she read 185 books in the past 9 weeks. She is also the top math student having over 90 badges which takes 100 math problems each badge to earn. She has been helping Addie with her reading too. She is quite the competitor.

John on the other hand quietly lives his life. I have mentioned his love of climbing and risking his neck. Well apparently he is also developing a pointy nose in books. He was neck in neck with the top two readers of his class and over Christmas break nearly doubled his points while they did not. He therefore way out read them last qtr reading 85 books. He doesn't make a big show, he quietly chooses the right and likes to be a goon in pictures. He is not as physical as his brothers and he likes one on one attention, then he will talk your leg off. 

Mark is serious. He has been neck in neck with a girl in his class all year. She is a very studious first grader. He beat her by a mere .4 pts. He is strong. He is serious about doing quality work and doing things "the right way." He is a surprise protector of Addie. As he continues to grow into his personality he is a delight to know.

It is so good to be a mom. We were discussing Mary the mother of Christ on Sunday and how it was often said of her that she took things and pondered them in her heart. I wondered at that then but as the week has unfolded I realize as a mother I am often pondering my children. From their individual needs, quirks, gifts, homework, decisions, clothing (Mark is so hard on clothes probably because he works so hard), to the way they interact it's a lot of thinking to keep this show going. However it is a blessing and keeps me on my toes. Thank goodness we continue to move onward and upward.

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