Friday, January 9, 2015

1.9.15 More Christmas Traditions

One of our Christmas traditions is doing meals on wheels. I did this program when I was a kid. It was always slightly crazy as the list was in no order at all, but I remember the feeling of taking something so precious as a hot lunch to an elderly person. It h as been an easy way to share some Christmas cheer and instruct my children in how powerful they are in sharing their enthusiasm and innocence with people who are pretty lonely. We were able to go out on the day that help them to hope also sent gift bags. There was about 4 armfuls to take to every door. I was very thankful that we had chose this day as I had lots of willing helpers.

Loaded up and ready to deliver

Some people had to wait for a turn and took selfies to occupy their time!

A successful delivery on a warm December day.

We had a rousing discussion one night around the dinner table about Santa Claus. We don't do a lot with the Santa Claus thing and when asked point blank I do not claim their is a Santa Claus. I explain there waws a good man who did give presents but that he is no longer alive and we give gifts to remind us of Jesus' gift. This made Addie a bit unfriendly toward the Santa Myth but she was willing to go through the game to get her candy at the school program. It was a nice program the kids all sang and acted well. Mark did a remarkable job memorizing the leading part for his classes enactment of the big bad wolf. I didn't realize he had such a large part and hadn't helped him at all, he did a great job though and was a really cute wolf. Addie was a little pig and kept them organized as well. She is quite the task master.

And finally our humble tree. There are no awards for beauty but it is functional, it did not get tipped over and our home is kid centered as they are the majority group. I think it is important that it is their own and cannot police them in keeping out of a perfect tree. I love that it is ours. Our traditions, our handiwork, and our celebration. In our first few years I was sad we had none of the school ornaments, no collection that had been gathered over years of living. I'm glad we are now arriving at too many ornaments and memories to put on our small space limited tree. It's like we have arrived as a family, and I love that the kids do the decorating they know the routine and delight in it however humble it might be.  I seriously love this big boisterous family of mine. What a blessing they are in teaching me to be bigger than my selfish heart might have been.

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