Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2.10.15 Daddy Daughter Dance

A local church puts a lot of effort into a Daddy Daughter dance. The girls have been fortunate to attend the last two years. It is a major event that they were really looking forward to. The idea of the dance is to teach the girls how they should be treated when they start dating and to have a good time with their dads. This year I did not make dresses. I thought about it I realized it was just a bad idea at this time. They still looked beautiful even with their older clothes!

I did put some time into their hair do's. I'm facing the fact that with 6 daughters I'm going to have to get a lot better at fashion and hair styles. Thank goodness for youtube and lots of instructional videos.

Apart from the fuss of getting ready it was truly special to hear their reports and see the huge smiles on their faces about how much fun they had at the dance. They recruited my dad to come help even the numbers. I always loved dancing with my dad. He is funny and strong and it was so safe- no awkward conversations when dancing with him.

Aliza had fun dancing with her friends, Addie had fun dancing with a family friend who had taken his daughters, and Anna had a good time with her dad, and grandpa and friends.

They are growing up. Looking at Afton I try to recall just how small  Anna was when she was born (under 5lbs) and wonder how the time has gone so fast. We talk about college a lot nowadays and the things that have to happen (i.e. good grades, activities, saving money etc) for that to be a reality. It's humbling and gives me lots to think about as I sit and hold our sweet little baby.

I guess that's one of the best parts of a big family is seeing and living the long term. I still get to enjoy our little people, but I'm also pulled into the older kid reality of tough topics like bullying, current events, relationships, and activities. The middle kid stuff of learning self-management, reading, math, and honesty. The little kid tedium of picking up messes, learning to obey, and learning basic self-management like potty training- this is the one area I kind of feel like I know how to do. The older kid stuff often leaves me wondering how do I explain/answer that?  It's honestly nice to dip into each reality and I'm thankful our kids are spaced as they are to be able to enjoy and dread it all at once.

It's good to be the mom, even though it amazes me I am the mom of this big diverse bunch. My grandma always said "Your body ages, your mind doesn't, You still feel 18 even if the mirror says something else."

 I'm thankful to be more at peace and confident than I was at 18 but I marvel that I'm supposed to know the answers and have the ideas to get this crew through. Thank goodness for prayer, good examples and family, and trusted resources like apostles, prophets, my husband, and good books.

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