Saturday, February 28, 2015

2.28.15 Genetics

My dad has a habit of twiddling his socks off while he reads. Sometimes by bouncing his leg sometimes subconsciously with his hand while he reads. Last week my son was reading intently on the couch and I saw this
I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like my dads reading footwear. I asked Harold to hold up his foot to get better proof that maybe this habit is genetic?

Yep same half on half off sock slouched about the toes. Eventually to be discarded by the couch. Oh man! Yeah! my red headed beauties got some Corn blood after all! Funny how things pass on. I'm almost sure Harold never consciously noticed this habit in my dad. Most people wouldn't unless they lived with him a long time. It makes me smile just to think about him absorbed in the paper or a book. My dad is a smart man who is very busy all the time. HE works hard and is often called on to give advice or expert opinion to some board or person. I loved having such a respected dad. Hopefully my son will also adopt those habits of learning, working hard, and thinning deep that he too can be a well respected man.
And because they are cute and Mark has more Corn genetics than most of my other kids
He really was happy about holding her he just has to keep up his man image and look funny for the picture.

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