Monday, February 2, 2015

2.2.15 Our Baby

We had our baby late Monday/early Tues morning last week. She was fast in coming and we are grateful for that. She has the most hair of any of our babies. Is back in the mid 7 lb range which really does make a difference in delivery and she is perfect. We named her Afton. I liked Aften- little play on letters there as she is our #10,  but Greg prevailed pointing out we don't want her thought of as an after thought. She was most definitely wanted and is very welcome even if she is a girl! Our slightly disappointed boys are quickly getting over the inequality of numbers that are the new reality at our house.

I love to hold my babies they are just so calming. She radiates peace like a nice heater. She is a very normal newborn. Loves to be held, detests being alone and not being held and is different from day to day on her ability and desire to nurse.

The kids are loving her lots and are adjusting to things like her crying and mom sitting around a lot. Overall we are just glad she is here and so thankful to be a family.

 My two little helpers Alivia tells me she is my Best Livy! I agree she is.

Sometimes though my best Livy likes to be three and shows me that I am indeed just sitting wrestling wit a newborn trying to get her to nurse and will not stop things like this. No wonder all the keys don't work. But it is so handy to see into the kitchen if you have a higher vantage point.

My Grandma Lasley came to visit while I was recouping at my parents house. We have talked on the phone all my life. I remember calling her when I was little and asking her what she had for breakfast it always made me feel so big to talk on the phone. Afton was impressed too.

My niece is 2 months older. She is not a big baby but she looked quite mature compared to our new little one. Funny how different all the babies look. Each definitely favors their family. Ours of course mostly come in reds her mom and dad are darker- she has pretty olive skin and lots of dark hair. But I'm sure that these two will have fun being friends as they grow up. So neat to have cousins to share life with. And fun for me to watch my siblings become parents.


  1. She is adorable! Congratulations, I LOVE her name!

  2. Congratulations, Amanda! She is beautiful!
