Thursday, February 26, 2015

2.26.15 Muzzled

It has been a long week of thinking. Believe me I get lots of hours to sit and think about conversations, actions, political thoughts, blog posts, cobwebbed corners and what that mysterious smell is behind the couch.

My most adamant baby holder. The chocolate on her face is from decorating cakes for the upcoming cake auction.
 I love sitting and holding my sweet baby Afton. However, my little kids have worked out this great plan of getting into off limits things in weak places in our home. Those places that desperately need attention but I've decided it's not the most important thing to be doing right now so I'm ignoring it places. But it's a good plan of action they follow and so I've been getting things done like mopping the floor, cleaning junk tables etc. While my mouth and mind has mostly been just hiding and trying to be quiet.

She's very proud of her ability to take care of Afton. Afton is patient.
These days of not sleeping enough and adjusting hormones are dangerous ones to be talking to anyone but the closest of friends or family or maybe just my husband. Although he takes the brunt of me so I try to get some of the craziness out before he gets home. Sincerely, I don't wish many people harm or malice. A few sure, but in most 99 percent of my conversations I don't mean to smear or degrade or override someone Mrs. Olsen style.

We had cleaned and cleaned all day but after a few minutes of play and the like we're back to needing to clean. I hate cleaning for this reason. But I digress we are watching Little House the first movie here.
Speaking of which, my poor TV deprived children are totally unaware of the Little house TV people. I bought two of the seasons to introduce them to those life shaping characters of Mrs. Olsen, Reverend Alden, Nelly, Laura, Mr. Edwards , Ma & Pa. Etc. After freshly reading the books though they did a poor job with MA and Pa they were so much more refined and great in the books. Love that series both in print and on screen. Many a family night will be spent devouring those. It's hard for me not to just watch them all day while the kids are gone. So I watch youtube Raffi videos- wheel's on the bus, baa-baa black sheep and the like all stimulating you know.

But truly I am loving having a baby, again, and loving how routine things are with her. Loving trying to explain evolution with Anna, the necessity of doing things well with the boys, the Berlin wall, why recipes don't come out, how to play the piano, how to play specific songs, why we don't pretend to be younger and cheat businesses from full pay for our experiences, and the rest of the normal conversations and activities of our family life. 

Listening to general conference talks this morning and Elder Anderson said we only put forth our shiny happy faces on the internet then read about other peoples happy self-aggrandizement and feel bad after. So it motivated me to write that no things are perfect, pretty, or peaceful for more than 15% of the time here.
Afton is perfect, pretty and peaceful most of the time. And I'm glad to have had this experience with her. New babies just smell so good. And the rest of the stuff l it happens, or doesn't, and that's okay. The big kids are learning and doing much, the little kids are learning and doing other kinds of lots and we just keep rolling along.

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