Monday, February 9, 2015

2.9.15 Afton Update

It's fun to watch the kids accept a new person into our home.
Our very alert baby. She's a good sleeper and calm when awake. Thank Goodness!!

It's interesting to see who needs the baby time and who is just a casual observer. Mark has shown quite an interest in Afton.

 He is very good and patient with her. In fact he gives me a break when I'm around. I love to hold her but realize I have to do some other things and he is more than happy to hold her while I go pursue other responsibilities.

Anna is also a big help. Everyday when I hear the bus pull in to bring her home I sigh a huge sigh of relief. I survived another day with the littles and am so ready for her happy enthusiastic diversion to their attention.

She is such a help. It has been awesome to watch her blossom. She has so many talents. She is kind and loving to the little's and is becoming an accomplished cook. Her biscuits are pretty good! It's also been good to teach her how to care for a newborn. She's kind and gaining confidence with our little baby.

I really did not pose this photo. It was happening so fast I barely caught it. I was touched by their gentleness with this sweet little sister. These girls are lucky to have such nice brothers.

Best to you this great day!

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