Sunday, February 8, 2015

2.8.15 Saturday Fun

One of the best parts of January/February is that Greg is able to be home a little more. We make the most of this with lots of activity on Saturdays. We happened upon a new fun activity push the mower! We were trying to get rid of some of the accumulated junk and decided it was time for the broken mower to go.

Aliza volunteered to drive it to the farm, Mark and Addie were the muscle behind the drive. They had a great time driving, I'm thinking this should now be saved as a fun activity when cousins visit. Oh it is hard to part with junk!

Anna and Millie came later with dad to help them on the trek to the farm. Millie of course has her finger in her comfort spot. Her belly button. She has had fun poking me now that my belly button depresses again. She is a funny duck who loves to be part of the fun.

Back at home Harold and John were raking leaves Livy was the most enthusiastic picker upper. Saturdays have been beautiful and sunny.

Must admit although we are still needing rain the brilliant sunshine is very soothing to the starved soul. I'm always amazed at how bright it is again.

Things are going well with baby Afton we are working through learning to nurse and adjusting to lots of sitting. It is so nice to sit and hold our baby. She is calm and a delight. The kids have been pretty good helpers and I'm thankful and proud of how competent they have become. It was pretty scary to send them to school as I was wondering how I would manage without them. We survived and it was okay.

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