Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2.11.15 More family Fun

We try to have family home evening every Monday night. This is a time where in theory we enjoy being together, we learn about some moral principal, and we strengthen family ties... It is also comicly referred to the only time that we begin and end fighting with a prayer!

Mark is encouraging his brothers participation with a friendly shove

Our family home evenings are sometimes awesome and sometimes tragic... in the amazing amount of chaos and craziness that ensues. Leading the song is a favorite activity that every age can participate in.

 These two girls love to sing. They really get into it and can out sing our entire congregation if they choose to.

Actually we do much better channeling all that energy when we do activities that are more strenuous. Having lots of hands we are really good at projects like moving wood. We make a wood moving chain pretty quickly. You can hold almost any load for a few seconds, or drop it on your siblings foot if they are slow!
On new year's day we bundled up and moved some wood for a neighbor with back problems.

Even our little people and our big pregnant mom came to watch and cheer the crew on. I love that we are able to help others with our many hands. And it was it's always cool to see how much this group can do when focused on a common goal.

They looked like Ralphy in Christmas Story! They did loose footing once or twice and had to have assistance to get up.

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